[Chapter-delegates] ITU speech about... Internet
Demi Getschko
demi at nic.br
Fri Mar 30 08:25:14 PDT 2012
Speech by ITU Secretary-General, Dr Hamadoun I. Touré
The Effects of the Internet on the Economy and Social Life
Keynote Speech
30 March 2012, Istanbul, Turkey
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,
It is a great pleasure to be here with you this afternoon in Istanbul –
the only city in the world which spans two continents.
This makes it a great venue for a discussion on the Internet – which of
course spans every continent, and now affects everything that we do in
the 21st century.
In our modern, hyperconnected world it is easy to forget that just
twenty or thirty years ago most people on the planet did not have access
to even basic telecommunications.
Today, we live in a world where we have six billion mobile cellular
subscriptions, and where 2.4 billion people use the Internet.
This is very rapidly changing the shape of the world.
We are seeing mobile devices and the Internet bringing people – and
things – together in ways that we could never even have dreamed of just
a decade or two ago.
Information and communication technologies, ICTs, are helping humanity
come together; making barriers of distance and time far less important
than our shared social and economic goals.
ICTs are also rapidly removing the barriers which once separated those
with power from those without power.
This is as true for corporations and even individuals as it is for
Ladies and gentlemen,
We live in a new era of accountability – and we need to embrace this as
a good thing.
There are those who would fear scrutiny; who would prefer to remain
hidden away; who would be uncomfortable with ‘the masses’ being aware of
what is going on.
Those people would be wrong – or at the very best, misguided.
Because it is perfectly possible to respect the necessary boundaries of
privacy and security, while still maintaining the right levels of
transparency and accountability.
In a world where there will be three billion smartphones by the year
2015, we are already seeing social media redefining the landscape we
live in.
As people said during the wave of social protests last year, “we use
FaceBook to mobilize; we use Twitter to report; and we use YouTube to
This is not a revolution in itself – but it is certainly a revolutionary
For the first time in human history, almost anyone can use the enabling
power of technology. To put themselves on the map. To have a voice, in
their own language. To make themselves visible. And to bypass the
official narrative.
With quite remarkable speed – and for the first time – it has become
impossible to be airbrushed out of history.
This dramatically affects the relationship between the governors and the
governed; between the company and its customers; and even between
husbands and wives; and parents and their children.
The democratization not just of knowledge, but of communication, is
going to have a very profound – and I believe beneficial – affect on our
For those in positions of power, they will need to recognize – and
embrace – their new accountability.
For those who may once have been – or felt – powerless, they need to
recognize that they are the new agents of change. They also need to
recognize that they have the responsibility to use that new-found
influence carefully, and wisely.
Distinguished guests,
The Internet is also having a huge impact on the global economy, with
businesses increasingly moving online, and billions of dollars worth of
online transactions taking place every week.
We are witnessing the very rapid virtualization of many goods – from
books and films to music and software. And while most physical goods are
still being shipped into the real world, they are very often being
ordered online.
Globally, manufacturing increasingly depends on the very short supply
chain management processes that only the Internet can make possible.
We are also seeing unprecedented collaboration online when it comes to
research and development.
We should not forget, however, that two thirds of the world’s people
still do not have any access to the Internet, and that the number of
people worldwide with broadband access is still relatively small – even
with the very rapid growth of new technologies such as mobile broadband.
This means that we risk creating a world of Internet rich and Internet
poor; a world where the new broadband divide is even more worrying than
the digital divide we had before ubiquitous mobile phones.
This is why ITU and UNESCO set up the Broadband Commission for Digital
Development in 2010 – to encourage governments to implement national
broadband plans and to increase access to broadband applications and
Ladies and gentlemen,
Broadband has the power to radically transform society and to deliver
sustainable social and economic progress – through an environment of
constant innovation and a wealth of job creation opportunities.
This is why broadband networks must be considered, in the 21st century,
as basic infrastructure, just like roads, railways, water and power
In a more populous, ageing world, broadband will be vital in helping to
deliver essential services such as health, education and good government.
It will help us address the biggest issues of our time – such as climate
change and environmental sustainability – and it will revolutionize the
way goods and services are created, delivered and used.
In the process, broadband will also help us accelerate progress towards
meeting the Millennium Development Goals, now only just three years away.
We must therefore work hard to ensure that everyone – wherever they
live, and whatever their circumstances – has access to the benefits of
broadband Internet.
This is not just about delivering connectivity for connectivity’s sake –
or even about giving people access to the undoubted benefits of social
It is about leveraging the power of connected technologies to make the
world a better place.
We are already seeing this with the extraordinary wealth of apps which
are available for mobile devices – and whose number increases by tens of
thousands every day.
This could never have happened without the Internet and convergence,
which have brought two crucial new forces into play: the death of
distance, and the democratization of information and knowledge.
This is the true beauty of the Internet: it finally makes the world’s
riches accessible to everyone, at any time, wherever they are.
Distinguished guests,
There are those who argue that we do not need high-end technology to
solve the world’s most pressing issues – such as hunger and poverty –
and that these can be addressed by having enough people willing to help,
and through the use of simple technology such as 2G mobile phones.
But without the broadband infrastructure humming away in the background,
and without the power of large servers and big data storage
capabilities, we can achieve very little.
SMS messages to remote and rural patients only work if there is a proper
broadband network – and powerful computers – running in the background.
The same is true for enabling applications such as mobile banking, which
is proving so very successful in bringing financial services to hundreds
of millions of people previously excluded from the global financial system.
The innovative use of ICTs will also play a crucial role in ensuring the
world’s seven billion people have affordable and equitable access to
adequate food supplies.
This is true at every step of the process – from delivering the right
information to farmers; to helping them improve yields and prices; to
improving supply chain efficiencies; to ensuring that consumers
understand nutritional needs, both for themselves and for their children.
Similar principles apply to smart water management and distribution –
and here too, ICTs will play a vital role in the 21st century, as water
resources become much more scarce, and much more valuable.
ICTs will also play a critical role in helping to create a more
sustainable world in the 21st century.
Through smart grids, environmental sensors, intelligent transport
systems, dematerialization and the digitalization of goods and services,
and new ways of improving energy efficiency, we can help drive the
transition to a low carbon economy, while better adapting to the effects
of climate change.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We will face many challenges on the way to creating a fair and equitable
society, where all the world’s people have access to the benefits of
broadband – but we should never forget that without friction you cannot
have light.
As many of you know, I am an optimist – and I firmly believe that we are
on the path towards a brighter, better-lit future.
Together, we can achieve so much – and it is our most profound duty to
do so!
Thank you.
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