[Chapter-delegates] New Cybercrime centre in Europe, Vint Cerf on the EU Internet policy (fwd)

borka at e5.ijs.si borka at e5.ijs.si
Fri Mar 30 02:27:47 PDT 2012



Vint Cerf attacks European internet policy
The Telegraph, Matt Warman, March 29, 2012 

Vint Cerf, one of the founders of the internet, has condemned a central
plank of European proposals to regulate the internet as impractical to
enforce and 'terrifying' in prospect.

Private investigators accessed police files, says leaked report
The Guardian, David Batty, March 30, 2012 

Private investigators linked to organised crime gangs accessed and
deleted police intelligence records, according to a leaked report.

European Commission Announces Plans for Cybercrime Center
WSJ, Nick Clayton, March 29, 2012 

The best brains in Europe are to be brought together to fight organized
cybercrime as part of the European Union police agency Europol, according to
plans announced by the European Commission. 

Yahoo announces ‘do not track’ tool
The Washington Post, Hayley Tsukayama, March 29, 2012 

“With this new feature, Yahoo! continues its leadership in privacy
innovation while continuing to create the free online services consumers
demand that are made possible through advertising,” Yahoo wrote in a

FTC’s Leibowitz Foresees Do-Not-Track Privacy Option in 2012
Bloomberg, Sara Forden, March 29, 2012 

U.S. Federal Trade Commission Chairman Jonathan Leibowitz said he expects
companies to develop a mechanism by the end of the year that allows people
to say they don’t want their online browsing behavior collected.

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