[Chapter-delegates] Participation in discussions was Membership or Mission?

President ISOC-KH president at isoc-kh.org
Wed Mar 28 20:56:24 PDT 2012

Just some more, new, information got in, as background for advising us 
how to act sustainably on our own (selling coffee at our normally 25 
participants hands-on training events will not pay for an office plus 
secretary) – no frequent big events. Guess why.

It has been confirmed that the already overcrowded Cambodian 
Telecommunications industry gets another newcomer squeezed in. The 
Chinese [you may have seen frequent references recently] company Xinwei 
got an operating license and is now preparing to start the erection of 
towers across the country. And this, while most of the existing 10 or so 
operators in a tiny market struggle for economic survival. Some comments 
say: It is part of a political decision, and in addition “the government 
gets the license fee :) “

As long as "The internet is for everyone" continues to be the ISOC 
slogan, I assume that others in the fellowship (do I use this word 
correctly? or is it a business association?) care for difficult 
situations of others.


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