[Chapter-delegates] LoA for good or bad?

Eric Burger eburger at standardstrack.com
Wed Mar 28 10:30:47 PDT 2012

Norbert -
According to the World Bank (2010 numbers), Cambodia's per-capita income is USD 63/month. Per capita income in Switzerland is USD 5863/month. Switzerland's per capita income is two orders of magnitude greater than Cambodia's. However, I was not comparing Cambodia to Switzerland. I was comparing Cambodia to Senegal. Senegal has a vibrant chapter, is doing a lot of projects, does not charge members dues, and manages to cover all of their costs through the sales of coffee at their meetings. I will concede that Senegal's per capita income is higher than Cambodia at US 87/month. However, I would offer that coffee and secretariat costs in Senegal are more expensive than in Cambodia.

- Eric

On Mar 28, 2012, at 6:00 PM, President ISOC-KH wrote:

> I had forgotten, at that time, to inform the writer that the monthly salary of a high school teacher here is about US$50 (five zero, not five hundred). Maybe we should really blame them – our 100 members – for not providing the local support for a start-up office and a secretary, to be sustainable?

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