[Chapter-delegates] LoA for good or bad?

Christopher Wilkinson cw at christopherwilkinson.eu
Wed Mar 28 06:42:42 PDT 2012

+1 CW

On 28 Mar 2012, at 15:13, John More wrote:

> Norbert and Veni 1+
> Having paid staff and an office are essential tools for any  
> successful chapter in any worldwide NGO, such as ISOC.  Volunteers  
> are essential for leadership and contacts, etc., but without staff  
> to plan for and carry out events on an ongoing basis and to  
> supplement the efforts of volunteers who often must manage their  
> businesses and jobs, the chapter cannot really be that effective.  
> One successful model is for the central organization to train  
> interns and then second them.
> I have previously put forward the importance of paid staff.  
> Naturally the availability of funding (and training) is important  
> for Chapters located in regions with fewer resources. At the same  
> time, it should be a requirement that the Chapter raise some money  
> (even a nominal amount).  Charity is not a good model. No financial  
> contribution, no ownership -- a primary principal of organizing.
> John More
> On Mar 28, 2012, at 3:15 AM, Veni Markovski wrote:
>> Correct. We got also additional support through the Global Internet  
>> Policy Initiative - a program ISOC should have been funding today,  
>> as they stopped functioning because of lack of money. It was  
>> through GIPI that we got the legal expertise we needed about 10  
>> years ago, and support for going to meetings, etc.
>> Worth considering from Isoc.
>> Btw, it seems we are sharing here ideas how not only to make Isoc  
>> better, but to make it a great organization. It would be good to  
>> see some follow up on those ideas. They are based on experience  
>> from many chapters, different cultures, etc., and could be perhaps  
>> the missing part at Isoc.
>> On Wednesday, March 28, 2012, Eduard Tric wrote:
>> +1 here , too.
>> When we were proposed to start a Romanian chapter long time ago,  
>> i've asked  a friend , chair at that time of another chapter , what  
>> do we need to run a chapter, the answer was "energy and a mailing  
>> list" .
>> We still have the energy , but wee needed more than the mailing  
>> list to function , it was an investment so far : office space   
>> (people like also to have physical meetings ) , internet ,  
>> electricity. Having all that + energy was still not enoug  , for  
>> years Isoc Romania was more a club of  Internet enthusiasts running  
>> Internet -related projects than a well-known and respected local NGO.
>> The boost in terms of awareness was the Inet Bucharest and our bold  
>> position and initiative on ACTA issue.
>> Now we are well known,it's a fact.
>> To become respected, we need (at least ) : synchronization with  
>> other chapters and HQ , especially on policies issues, and yes,  
>> some funding to run the chapter (especially the legal part of our  
>> actions is very costly , we cannot be efficient on policies without  
>> a local lawyer support ).
>> Regads,
>> Ed
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Veni Markovski" <veni at veni.com>
>> To: president at isoc-kh.org
>> Cc: chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 9:37:27 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Chapter-delegates] LoA for good or bad?
>> Norbert, +1.
>> Isoc Bulgaria started being active, when we got some funding.  
>> Before that it was mainly thanks to the efforts of the board  
>> members, who were spending their own money and time to keep the  
>> chapter moving. If I wasn't a CEO of an ISP, and co-founder, AND my  
>> business partner wouldn't have agreed to let me allocate the time  
>> for that... I wouldn't be even on this list now.
>> Paid staff brought the chapter in another dimension. Our committed,  
>> humble and totally workohollic people are known to many of you.  
>> Julia and Dessi have made wonderful things at Isoc BG and continue  
>> doing them.
>> But I've argued many years ago that Isoc HQ could afford pay staff  
>> at chapters, which would have.made the chapters stronger. HQ chose  
>> a different path, and so far they've used only one person from the  
>> chapters world - Jacek, who is now working for Isoc. The regional  
>> directors are a good idea, but they need more support - from the  
>> chapters to do their job. And that's a problem, as you properly  
>> point out, chapters don't have staff to work for free. So, a  
>> suggestion might be for HQ to create a pool for supporting not just  
>> projects, but chapters personnel hiring. My bet is that on average  
>> $ 10,000 per chapter will be enough. Average, because some don't  
>> need it, and some need only $ 1,000 per year.
>> V.
>> On Wednesday, March 28, 2012, President ISOC-KH wrote:
>> On 03/27/2012 05:33 PM, Victor Ndonnang wrote:
>> Dear Norbert,
>> Thank you very much for your message. Talking about building up a  
>> Chapter, supporting its growth and making it sustainable, many  
>> Chapters are in the same situation that you are describing. It is  
>> easy to recruit volunteers members for the Chapter but very few of  
>> those members are prepared to do mandatory work of the Chapter for  
>> nothing (unpaid). From developing world perspective, It is also  
>> very difficult to recruit members and ask them to pay (membership  
>> fees) for doing unpaid work for the Chapter.
>> I hope all this will be taken into consideration in the LoA  
>> introduction process. Globally from my personal view, the LoA is  
>> not a bad thing.
>> Thanks one again.
>> Best regards,
>> Victor
>> Dear Victor,
>> thanks for your response, sharing information about similar  
>> problems when developing a new chapter in a difficult economic  
>> environment. You understand our situation, as I understand yours.
>> We all just got a reminder mail about the deadline for submitting  
>> applications for Community Grants.
>> We will not submit a request – we had made preparations last year,  
>> but had to move towards applications in 2012, as our Secretary  
>> found it too difficult to line up the precise detailed data much  
>> ahead of time; we hoped to be able to assemble them on the way  
>> towards two mayor events. But our Secretary resigned, and it seems  
>> to be extremely difficult to find an – unpaid – replacement.
>> I am not arguing against a program for well designed grants with  
>> elaborate reporting structures etc. But as far as I can see, there  
>> are no Chapter Support grants, only for “projects.”
>> This is true also for the Information Society Innovation Fund  
>> (ISIF) aiming at stimulating creative solutions to ICT development  
>> needs in the Asia Pacific region.
>> The ISIF objectives list, among others: “Successful and sustainable  
>> models for the provision of Internet services.”
>> But how could a young Chapter work on such objectives without a  
>> basis in the form of a small secretariat with at least one paid  
>> staff, working on the maintenance and development of the Chapter?
>> The present Cambodia model for Internet service providing is to  
>> have 10 or 12 (changing frequently) ISPs competing in a tiny market  
>> (but the authorities prevent real market-based solutions by  
>> administrative interventions, protecting some turfs, not allowing  
>> price based competition). - Some of our members are discussing  
>> this; but the volatile situation, with frequently changing  
>> challenges which would call for quick responses, can hardly be met  
>> without a flexibly organized secretariat. - Our March ISOC Monthly  
>> Newsletter gives an example how we are till able to act  
>> strategically, having established a bit of a reputation, in a way  
>> which never could have been part of “project” planning.
>> Norbert
>> -----Message d'origine-----
>> De : chapter-delegates-bounces at elists.isoc.org [mailto: cha--
>> Best,
>> Veni
>> == Sent from my phone, so any spelling mistakes are caused by the  
>> touchscreen keyboard. That's a nice excuse, isn't it;-)
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>> --
>> --
>> Eduard Tric ,CEO, Axetel
>> I encrypt therefore I am.
>> http://www.axetel.com
>> eduard at axetel.com
>> tel: +40740300740
>>                               DD;;
>>                              DDD;;;
>>        We know,             DD  :;;
>>    We compute,             fD    tt
>>       We decode.           DD  fDf
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>>   DDi   :DDDD   DD      DD    DD    DD
>>  DD DD  tDGDD   DD      DD    DD    DD
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>>                DDDD
>>               DDDDDD
>>              GD:   DD
>>              ;;    DD
>>              :;;  GDf     We know
>>               ;;;DDD   all the codes,
>>                ,;DG   including yours.
>> 6839f52116af1166f4a01e64ad209459f17ecc995c1456a68c7040072a9a58d6
>> -- 
>> Best,
>> Veni
>> == Sent from my phone, so any spelling mistakes are caused by the  
>> touchscreen keyboard. That's a nice excuse, isn't it;-)
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