[Chapter-delegates] LoA for good or bad?
Veni Markovski
veni at veni.com
Wed Mar 28 00:04:18 PDT 2012
Raul, thank you for following the discussion.
It is good to see the chairman engaged.
On Wednesday, March 28, 2012, Raul Echeberria wrote:
> Dear all:
> I find this discussion very interesting, and it is very good to see how
> this issue has mobilized many chapters representatives.
> Just a couple of comments.
> - What a committee of Trustees has done is to prepare a proposal for
> changes in the bylaws. There is not any kind of final decision on this
> matter. Once we have discussions with the members (chapters and orgs) on
> this topic and the Board receives inputs, there are several option for
> moving forward: approving the bylaws changes, continue the discussion, not
> approving anything, approving the proposal with modifications. So, let's
> have a constructive discussion trying to improve the current bylaws in
> order to work for having a better organization.
> Based on the level of discussion, I anticipate that the inputs will be
> very valuable.
> - It seems to me very logical the idea that has came up in the list, to
> have the bylaws discussion before of the LoA.
> Raúl
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== Sent from my phone, so any spelling mistakes are caused by the
touchscreen keyboard. That's a nice excuse, isn't it;-)
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