[Chapter-delegates] LoA for good or bad?

Rudi Vansnick rudi.vansnick at isoc.be
Fri Mar 23 10:42:52 PDT 2012

+1 Indeed Klaus numbers are not really relative to what ISOC's mission and objectives are. The number should be 2 billion = the connected members ... but as we all know the difficulty is to show the added value of an ISOC membership. Compared to other organisations I dare say 30.000 is a very small number. Our affiliated organisation, TIK, has +14.000 members in Belgium, so I may say that the 30.000 is irrelevant. We could easily add those +14.000 members tot the 30.000 but the question raised immediately is about "Why should they become an ISOC member ?" when the have an direct link with the affiliated organisation (being ISOC Belgium).

I hope there will be more focus on what the "potential member" expects from the ISOC's global and local membership. A survey which I would like to take place soon across all the chapters. I have another survey in preparation that will be made available to all other chapters end of April.

Rudi Vansnick
——————————————— Internet Society Belgium  —————————————————
rudi.vansnick at isoc.be            Mobile +32/(0)475/28.16.32
www.internetsociety.be       "The Internet is for everyone"

Op 23-mrt-2012, om 16:16 heeft Klaus Birkenbihl het volgende geschreven:

> John More wrote on 2012-03-23 15:42:
>> A membership organization with 30,000 plus members scattered across the globe cannot be run as if it were a local organization with members involved in all aspects of the organization.
> Are there 30,000? We all know how these 30,000 have been generated.
> And frankly I wonder about the value of a huge membership with merely
> no influence, no contributions, nor real knowledge about goals and
> mission. I see an incredible number of applications for ISOC.DE
> (~250/year) via AMS. Once I tell them "we would be happy to see you
> join and support us, and please note that we require a member fee to
> do our work" 2/year come back. Maybe what we should go for is
> commitment and contributions rather than huge numbers.
> Klaus
> -- 
> Klaus Birkenbihl
> Internet Society German Chapter e.V. (ISOC.DE)
> c/o ict-Media GmbH
> http://www.isoc.de/
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