[Chapter-delegates] LoA for good or bad?

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Fri Mar 23 04:42:34 PDT 2012

Klaus, +1.

Talking about the membership - the new by-laws should re-establish 
direct election of board members. Right now ISOC pretends to represent 
chapters and members, but only the chapters have 3 Trustees to elect - 
members elect zero. And it is time to change that, or ISOC should stop 
pretending it represents 30000 people.
When the elections were abolished, it was because they cost a lot, if I 
remember correctly. Today ISOC has $ 32 Million budget, and seems it 
doesn't know how to spend it. Elections among 30,000 people will cost 
probably $ 300,000 - less than 1 % of the budget. But even if they cost 
more, they still will be better.
Of course, I am sure we'll hear other arguments why this is not a good 
idea, so happy to discuss it.


On 3/23/2012 07:07, Klaus Birkenbihl wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to give my perspective on LoA as I announced in my mail on policy
> yesterday.
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