[Chapter-delegates] ISOC's policies - sensitive email
Narelle Clark
President at isoc-au.org.au
Thu Mar 22 02:34:09 PDT 2012
Hi all
there is an expression that says: "don't stick your head out to be kicked"
but on this occasion I will. I hope you will be cordial towards me as I
attempt to phrase my understanding of the path for some of these things
and why some things have happened the way they have.
Veni said:
> Based on today's discussion, and last few months of talks I have had
> with folks from the ISOC chapter community, here is a brief view on
> what's happening, what's good, and what - not so good. Order is random.
> 1. ISOC is hiring a lot of people, and the ones that know them claim
> they are really very good people. *This is good.*
It is great. We are building a really strong team that is geographically
and culturally diverse with a tremendous range of expertise. It makes us
stronger and more effective every day.
> 2. We are being told ISOC is considering changing their by-laws; we have
> not been approached with any details for opinion or at list informed
> about these changes. *Not so good.*
ISOC indeed is still reviewing its bylaws. Frankly, the bylaws are broken.
They do not match the organisation as it does and should operate. This has
happened in two phases. Phase one was for minor legal things and is done
and was discussed at length last year in open meetings.
The second part covers a range of items that very much require the
membership to be on board. This has had to happen more slowly. With the
chapters in mind those changes were explicitly removed from the set of
minor changes in the first part.
The main reason why communications haven't gone out about this is is
because a small working party of the Board of Trustees has been working on
it with the lawyers to come up with a reasonable proposal.
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