[Chapter-delegates] ISOC's policies - sensitive email

Fred Baker fred at cisco.com
Wed Mar 21 19:11:16 PDT 2012

On Mar 21, 2012, at 9:23 PM, Veni Markovski wrote:
> 8. ISOC does not represent civil society - for an independent observer it is an organization, which is heavily influence by its organizational members (companies), not by individual members or chapters. Good and not so good.
> This point needs clarification - it's good that ISOC does not represent civil society - there are many, who claim that, but ISOC is unique as the home of the IETF. But it is not good that ISOC would not encourage and empower its chapters to participate at the IGF/ITU meetings, as they are indeed the ones, representing the civil society in their respected countries.


I do find myself wondering to what extent you think ISOC is driven by its organizational members. At my company, I'm among the small set of people that are involved in and care about ISOC. Sally and others ask us questions and give us reports, but the organizational members don't sit down with ISOC to give it its priorities.

What specific influence do you think the organizational members have on ISOC?

BTW, I'm not asking about the board structure. Yes, I know you have long wanted the chapters to have as many seats on the board as the organizational members, but in this conversation, I'm not on that topic - and neither are you. Parallel to your question about the role and influence of the chapters, I'm asking about the organizational members themselves, the advisory council, etc. What, specifically, do you envy?


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