[Chapter-delegates] ISOC's policies - sensitive email

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Wed Mar 21 13:23:34 PDT 2012

Dear all,
Based on today's discussion, and last few months of talks I have had 
with folks from the ISOC chapter community, here is a brief view on 
what's happening, what's good, and what - not so good. Order is random.

1. ISOC is hiring a lot of people, and the ones that know them claim 
they are really very good people. *This is good.*
2. We are being told ISOC is considering changing their by-laws; we have 
not been approached with any details for opinion or at list informed 
about these changes. *Not so good.*
3. ISOC is suggesting to the chapters to engage in negotiations on a 
draft Letter of Affiliation, which was already seriously criticized by 
many on and off the list. *Not good. *
4. ISOC is running some projects, of which the chapters are not being 
informed, that include following the ITU. We have learned that funding 
for these projects does not come (only) from ISOC's funds. *Not good.*
5. ISOC is hiring and allocating more people to follow the ITU 
developments, who report back to chapters. *Good.*
6. The chapters continue to feel isolated from the decision-making at 
ISOC, even when these decisions concern chapters and chapter members 
(just one example - INET-2012). *Not good.*
7. ISOC is representing the technical community within the IGF/ITU 
context. *Good*.
8. ISOC does not represent civil society - for an independent observer 
it is an organization, which is heavily influence by its organizational 
members (companies), not by individual members or chapters. *Good and 
not so good*.
This point needs clarification - it's good that ISOC does not represent 
civil society - there are many, who claim that, but ISOC is unique as 
the home of the IETF. But it is not good that ISOC would not encourage 
and empower its chapters to participate at the IGF/ITU meetings, as they 
are indeed the ones, representing the civil society in their respected 

ISOC's policies towards the chapter have not improved dramatically, as 
the expectations were last year at this time. *Not good.*

ISOC need to start treating the chapters as equal partners, who are 
contributing to ISOC more than they are getting from it. ISOC could 
coordinate with chapters its messages, policies and positions, so that 
it is not caught in a situation like this morning. And while we dealt 
with this one nicely, with many people writing what they know of Paul, 
in the coming months such disruption of normal communication may cause 
much bigger issues, than just an exchange of emails within the chapters' 
The issues that we are going to deal with in the coming two years are 
too serious to not pay attention to details like relations with a 
substantial part of ISOC, the chapters.

I'd like to urge ISOC's leadership to not simply /address /the issue, 
but require *an immediate - and positive! - change in the attitude from 
ISOC HQ towards the chapters*.
This is going to be good for the chapters, good for ISOC, and good for 
the Internet.
We are facing a crucial time on the international arena, and it is wise 
to stay focused on the main topic, rather than waste time on fixing 
relationship, which should have been fixed long time ago. It is still 
not too late, but if ISOC continues to behave with the superiority 
complex towards the chapters, it is not difficult to envision more issues.
If there is an argument between ISOC and the chapters, the latter have 
nothing to lose, but ISOC's legitimacy and confidence might suffer at 
time, when they are needed more than before.

We are looking forward to seeing the next positive steps from ISOC, and 
a response to all the good suggestions that came in the last weeks by 
many people on this list of how to move forward.


On 3/21/2012 14:07, JOHN MORE wrote:
> I join my fellow ISOC-DC activist David Vyorst and others objecting to the sort of pre-judgement evidenced by some in this email thread. Paul is an excellent appointment and is part of ISOC's now working hard to create a partnership with the Chapters.
> Paul believes in the Chapters and will be an asset as we move forward.
> John More
> Sent from my iPhone
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