[Chapter-delegates] Appointment of former MPAA CTO Paul Brigner as North American Regional Director of Internet Society

Imran Anwar imran at imran.com
Wed Mar 21 12:48:57 PDT 2012

Hi Lynn and my other friends,

This really is not an issue that can be solved simply by not saying anything. The issues are important and effect us as internet users, ISOC members, and Internet industry stakeholders in multiple regions and countries.

Rather than add fuel to the fire (on either side), I propose an easy solution.

While I generally agree with both sides of the argument (serious concerns about Paul's past affiliation/positions AND yet giving someone a chance to reveal where they now stand), I think there is a speedy, simple and straightforward way to resolve the concerns and whole issue....

Please have Paul Bringer issue a personal (i.e. attributed by name) statement outlining his thoughts and professional positions on the issues that David (and others) have correctly raised concerns about..... 

Then we will have clarity. Paul can either be (pardon the word) exonerated and continue on to do hopefully good work, OR, his statement(s) (or lack thereof) will give us reason to be concerned and possibly see stronger opposition to his being in the CTO role.

Thank you.

Imran Anwar
Director ISOC-NY
Co-Founder .PK Internet (Pakistan Email/Internet ccTLD)

SNIP Older Text. Context: 

>>> I am profoundly disturbed by the appointment of Paul Brigner as North
>>> American Regional Director of the Internet Society.

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