[Chapter-delegates] Appointment of former MPAA CTO Paul Brigner as North American Regional Director of Internet Society

David Vyorst dvyorst at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 09:07:44 PDT 2012

Paul has worked with and supported our chapter since I've been involved,
and I can assure you that he will be a great regional director. SOPA is
dead. Let's call off the witch-hunt. Paul was working hard to bring the
motion picture industry around to a realistic viewpoint. Keep in mind that
Paul left the MPAA to join ISOC. Before he was at the MPAA, he was our
chapter's verizon contact, and as such provided incredible support for our
efforts. Even while at the MPAA he spoke on two panels for our chapter. Our
chapter has grown by working with the Internet Tech, Policy, and Social
Media communities in DC. Paul has a lot to contribute to helping us, and
all chapters continue to connect with key communities. I urge you to trust
me on this and give Paul a chance.

And I look forward to our chapters doing big things together.


On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 10:57 AM, David Solomonoff <president at isoc-ny.org>wrote:

> I am profoundly disturbed by the appointment of Paul Brigner as North
> American Regional Director of the Internet Society.
> In his previous position as Chief Technology Officer at the Motion Picture
> Association of America (MPAA) he worked for the passage of PIPA and SOPA.
> His blog posts are here: http://blog.mpaa.org/BlogOS/**
> author/Paul-Brigner.aspx<http://blog.mpaa.org/BlogOS/author/Paul-Brigner.aspx>
> These bills allowed for the arbitrary shutdown of allegedly infringing
> websites without due process and the potential disruption of the open
> Internet. And the ways in which the MPAA and other industry groups
> maneuvered behind the scenes to pressure legislators are why many citizens
> have become embittered and cynical about the political process in this
> country.
> The New York Chapter has succeeded by working over a period of many years
> to build relationships with the Free/Open Source and Free Culture
> communities, local tech industry associations, the startup community as
> well as advocates for open government.
> The effective endorsement of MPAA policy positions by the Internet Society
> with the appointment of Brigner threatens to poison those relationships and
> severely damage the good name of the Internet Society.
> I respectfully request that you reconsider the appointment of Paul Brigner
> as North American Regional Director of the Internet Society.
> Sincerely,
> David
> --
> David Solomonoff, President
> Internet Society of New York
> president at isoc-ny.org
> isoc-ny.org
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David Vyorst
Co-Founder, Relay Station Social Media

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