[Chapter-delegates] IETF 83 Paris - Guest Day Pass Information (March 27, 2012)

Sabrina Wilmot wilmot at isoc.org
Wed Mar 21 03:47:11 PDT 2012

Hi Tracy,

Yes, we also had this for some previous IETFs already in place. 

Best regards,

On 20 Mar 2012, at 18:12, Tracy F. Hackshaw @ Google wrote:

> This is excellent news Sabrina!
> As the notice is a little short for taking advantage of the
> opportunity at the Paris Meeting, will it be in force for subsequent
> IETF Meetings?
> Rgds,
> Tracy
> On 3/20/12, Sabrina Wilmot <wilmot at isoc.org> wrote:
>> Dear Colleagues,
>> At the forthcoming IETF 83 at the Le Palais des Congres de Paris, members of
>> the Internet Society, students and instructors can receive a complimentary
>> one-day Guest Pass (Tuesday, March 27, 2012) to the meeting. Details are
>> attached below.
>> Please pass this information on to your Chapter members and anyone you think
>> might be interested.
>> Best regards,
>> Sabrina Wilmot
>> Internet Society
>> -------------------
>> IETF Guest Day
>> To:  University Professors and Students
>> 	ISOC Members
>> Join the Internet's Leading Engineers in Paris!
>> Experience first hand the Internet standards process and meet the
>> world's leading Internet engineers, developers and researchers.
>> We expect 1,200 attendees from more than 40 countries.
>> The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) will convene March 25 - 30
>> for IETF 83 at the Le Palais des Congres de Paris and you are invited!
>> The IETF is the premiere international open-standards community and is
>> responsible for many of the Internet's most important standards,
>> including TCP/IP, e-mail, instant messaging, VoIP, 3G and IPv6.  Its
>> work is concerned with the evolution of the Internet's architecture and
>> its smooth operation.
>> The IETF is unique from other standards groups in that it is a volunteer
>> organization, lead by individuals, not governments or corporations.  The
>> IETF's processes are open to all and decisions are made on the basis of
>> "rough consensus and running code."   If you are doing research in
>> networking or communications, this is one event you don't want to miss.
>> The IETF meets three times a year face-to-face to progress its work of
>> Internet Standards development for the betterment of the Internet and
>> people worldwide.
>> Tuesday, March 27, 2012 is IETF 83 Guest Day when students, instructors
>> and members of the Internet Society can receive a complimentary
>> one-day Guest Pass to the IETF 83 Meeting.  Guests shall check in at the
>> Registration Table for their name tags.
>> Guests have an opportunity to attend some of the 30 plus Working Group
>> sessions being held that day.  The Agenda is available here -
>> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/83/agenda.html>
>> Note:  You may also attend Newcomer Training that is scheduled for Sunday
>> 25 March at 1:00 PM at the Palais.  See here for tutorials, including
>> Newcomer
>> Training in English and French.
>> <http://www.ietf.org/meeting/83/tutorials.html>.
>> Interested ISOC members, Students and Instructors must:
>> 1. Register online at <http://www.ietf.org/meeting/register.html> but
>> not pay.
>> 2. Send an email to iad at ietf.org, subject: Guest Pass, indicating ISOC
>> member,
>> student or instructor, provide Registration ID and request a one-day Guest
>> Pass.
>> 3. Pick up a Guest Pass on Tuesday.
>> The IETF welcomes your interest in its work and looks forward to the day
>> when you will participate in this volunteer effort to make the Internet be
>> all it can be for the
>> peoples of the world.
>> ----------------------------------------------
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