[Chapter-delegates] Belgium : Day of national mourning

Jacek Gajewski gajewski at isoc.org
Fri Mar 16 02:46:43 PDT 2012

Dear Rudi,

     We are in our thoughts with all people in Belgium and the families of the victims of this tragic accident. Many of us in the Geneva office will be with you to observe a minute of silence.

With regards,

Jacek Gajewski
Chapter Development Manager

On Mar 16, 2012, at 10:29 AM, Rudi Vansnick wrote:

> Day of national mourning
> Our deepest, warmest thoughts and sincerest feelings go to the victims and the families of the victims of the coach crash in Switzerland (28 people from which 22 children of the age of 12). A minute's silence will be held at 11 a.m. We would like to support the survivors and remember the little victims, the drivers and the teachers. 
> Rudi Vansnick
> ——————————————— Internet Society Belgium  —————————————————
> President - CEO                      Tel +32/(0)9/329.39.16
> rudi.vansnick at isoc.be            Mobile +32/(0)475/28.16.32
> Dendermondesteenweg 143        B-9070 Destelbergen  BELGIUM
> www.internetsociety.be       "The Internet is for everyone"
> ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
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