[Chapter-delegates] Isoc courses

Elena Zvarici elena.zvarici at isoc.ro
Wed Mar 14 06:10:53 PDT 2012

Hi Peter 

Brilliant idea, I have been watching Khan Academy closely and indeed there is no Internet or TCP/IP in their set of courses. 
I know they have drawn the attention of lots of people, including Bill Gates. 

It should be easy to create a Khan course - you just ask a techie to explain and record it all. 

Any volunteers ? :D 

Elena Zvarici 

Communication manager 
Internet Society Romania 
----- Mesaj original -----

De la: "Peter Houstle" <phoustle at marinermanagement.com> 
Către: "Elena Zvarici" <elena.zvarici at isoc.ro>, "chapter-delegates" <chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org> 
cc: "Peggy Hoffman" <phoffman at marinermanagement.com> 
Trimis: miercuri, 14 martie, 2012 13:51:49 
Subiect: RE: [Chapter-delegates] Isoc courses 

Great idea, Elena. Might be interesting to look at http://www.khanacademy.org/ for modeling (or partnering?) ideas. Kahn has generated quite a lot of buzz in the world of learning…and quite a lot of consternation among educators (some folks just don’t like the idea of change!). 

Peter Houstle 
Mariner Management 

From: chapter-delegates-bounces at elists.isoc.org [mailto:chapter-delegates-bounces at elists.isoc.org] On Behalf Of Elena Zvarici 
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4:38 AM 
To: chapter-delegates 
Subject: [Chapter-delegates] Isoc courses 

Dear colleagues, 

The Romanian chapter would like to ask for your help and participation in creating a set of courses related to the Internet ranging from simple introductory concepts in Internet technologies like email, tcp/ip, networks, Internet for people with disabilities, to more complex domains that we can tacke in a second phase. 

My question is if we can use Isoc content in drafting these courses and make them understandable by beginners to experts. 

The reason we are calling to your participation and help is that we are participating to a local initiative led by NGO's, government ad companies, called "a Digital Alliance for ROMANIA" aiming to bring as many people online as possible and expose the positive effects of the Internet within the target communities. 

The other participants and the public expect us to act as a reliable source of high quality information related to the Internet. I think we should respond to these expectations and replicate this strategy in all countries disposing of an Isoc chapter. 

In order to draft the curricula of such courses, we can use the collaborative tools at our disposal on the Chapter colaboration website, in the group "eLearning courses" led by Narine from the Armenia Chapter. 

Please register, log in and join this group. We can use the wiki for doc creation in a first phase. 


Thank you for your help, any suggestions are welcome such as the methodology and the sources of information we can use to produce high quality content. 

Elena Zvarici 
Isoc Romania 

Trimis de pe iPhone-ul meu 
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