[Chapter-delegates] Application to form an ISOC Chapter in Egypt

Victor Ndonnang ndonnang at isoc-cameroon.org
Mon Mar 12 02:45:05 PDT 2012

Dear Sabrina,

Thanks for the update. 

Egypt inspired the world and showed us how the Internet can be a catalyst for change and a powerful tool for freedom of expression and democracy. Who doesn't remember Egypt's peaceful revolution through social media?

I wish great success to this rejuvenating process and expected to welcome very soon a "new" Internet Society Egypt Chapter.

Best regards,

Victor Ndonnang
ISOC Cameroon Chapter.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : chapter-delegates-bounces at elists.isoc.org [mailto:chapter-delegates-bounces at elists.isoc.org] De la part de Sabrina Wilmot
Envoyé : vendredi 9 mars 2012 14:10
À : Chapter Delegates
Objet : [Chapter-delegates] Application to form an ISOC Chapter in Egypt

Dear Colleagues,

Following the local rejuvenation effort over the last months, including several member meetings and online discussions, the application below for (re-)starting a Chapter of the Internet Society in Egypt has been received. It is being sent to this list for peer comment and review. The period allowed for comments is two weeks and the deadline is 24 March 2012.

Please do not hesitate to contact me on or off list with your feedback.

Sabrina Wilmot
Manager, Chapter Formation
Internet Society


Chapter Application

A. Proposed name of the Chapter

The Chapter name must include both "Internet Society" and "Chapter". These may be translated into your local language.

-- "Internet Society Egypt Chapter"

B. Community of Interest the Chapter will to serve

Geography is a common choice for a community of interest, for example, within a country or city. However, any well-defined group of individuals is acceptable.

-- Egyptian community nationwide.

C. Purpose and Scope of Chapter

It is important to indicate how you intend to serve your community of interest and why a Chapter of the Internet Society is a good way to do it.

Mission: "Internet as a key tool for empowering the Egyptian society".

In fulfilling its mission, "Internet Society Egypt Chapter" shall:
• Promote the utilization of the Internet in the development of the Egyptian economy and knowledge‐based society
• Promote Internet access all over the country and across all sectors of the society
• Promote online freedom of expression and free flow of information
• Take lead in Internet educational and capacity building initiatives;
• Establish an open forum for discussing Internet issues of importance to local community
• Provide a platform for sharing information, knowledge and expertise
• Facilitate the link between local Internet stakeholders and the international

D. Founding Members of the Chapter

Please list complete contact information and affiliations for all persons who will be working together to create the Chapter. Although there is a minimum membership required for a Charter we are only asking for at least one other person besides yourself.

--Included as Annex-1

E. List of Supporters

Please list complete contact information for any organizations or groups who will be supporting the Chapter. Be sure to indicate an individual or an individual's role for each supporter.

-- Internet Masr NGO

F. List of Requirements

Some countries, governments, or regulatory bodies have rules or regulations that must be followed by Chapters of organization's like the Internet Society. Examples include documentation or fees. It is important for you to check and to indicate here any requirements you find. If there are none please indicate with whom you checked.

-- Egyptian Law No. 84

G. Additional Information

Please indicate here any additional information you believe would be helpful to our initial review.

1-    Internet Masr is a civil society entity under establishment pursuant to the Egyptian law No. 84 of year 2002. Internet Masr aims to serve as a platform for fostering engagement in community effort to promote the Internet as a key tool for empowering the Egyptian society
Internet Masr is the first entity in Egypt working in a truly multi-stakeholder fashion, embracing in its membership entities from government, business, civil society, education institutions, as well as individuals, all working together and participating on equal footing in all processes and activities.
2-    Chapter draft by-laws and draft annual plan are enclosed as Appedix-1 and Appendix-2 respectively.

H. Your Contact Information

Please provide complete contact information for yourself, including affiliation, postal address, phone number(s), and email address.
Mrs. Christine ARIDA
Director, Telecom Services Planning
National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority
[..on file..]
Senior Manager, WSIS Affairs
Telecom Services Planning, NTRA
[..on file..]

Name, Affiliation
Amr Hashem, senior manger strategic planning etisalat misr
Hosein Badran, chief technology officer ,MEA,distribushed systems architect, CISCO Systems
Mo'taz Elewa, Research Assistant at Freiburger Materialforschungszentrum
Hossam Saleh,Chariman, Internet Masr NGO
May Hussein, senior manger strategic planning etisalat misr
Nezar Sami, Drector,IT sector, Nile University
Hossam Fahmy, Student Representative of Egypt Section at IEEE
Hisham Aboulyazed, Senior Manager, WSIS Affairs, NTRA
Shahir Boshra, VP, Governenmental Affairs, LINKDOTNET
Ali Anis, Director, Society Interaction, NTRA
Mahmoud Soliman, President & CEO, SALEC Egypt
Christine Arida, Director, Telecom Services Planning, NTRA/ Board Member, Internet Masr NGO
Tamer Gadalla, Managing director, TE Data
Sherif El-Kassas, Associate Profissor, American University in Cairo
Khalid Shaheen
Nadia Hegazi, Senior Expert, MCIT
Mohamed Reda, Enterprise Technical Marketing Manager, TE Data
Shaarawy Abd Elbaky, Board Member, Internet Masr NGO -- Chairman, Ofok Systems NGO
Salma Hesham, busines development specialist, GOOD NEWS 4 ME
Mina Adly Younan, busines development specialist, GOOD NEWS 4 ME
Walaa Sheta 
Mohamed El-Refaey, Wireless Enterprise Solutions Program Manager, Intel Corporation
Mahmoud M. Shalaby
Manal Ismail, Director, Technical Coordination, NTRA
Moataz Shaarawy, CIO, Ofok Systems


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