[Chapter-delegates] Upcoming Chapter and Member meetings alongside ICANN 43 in Costa Rica

Jacek Gajewski gajewski at isoc.org
Thu Mar 8 05:18:43 PST 2012

Dear colleagues,

[Apologies for the cross posting]

    With this e-mail you are kindly invited to attend two meetings which ISOC is organizing during the ICANN meeting in Costa Rica next week:

1. *Internet Society Participation @ ICANN 43 meeting*
     Sunday, 11 March 2012 , 7:30pm-9:00pm local Costa Rica time (which is Monday, 12.3.2012, 0130 UTC)
     You can find all details at:  http://www.internetsociety.org/fr/node/12540

2. *Internet Society Chapters & Members meeting @ ICANN 43*
    Tuesday, 13 March 2012 , 7:30pm-9:00pm local Costa Rica time (which is Wednesday, 14.3.2012, 0130 UTC)
     You can find all details at:  http://www.internetsociety.org/events/internet-society-chapters-members-meeting-icann-43

Both meetings will be web-casted and captioning will be provided. See the above links for remote login info.

With the best regards,
Jacek Gajewski

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