[Chapter-delegates] China's remarks to the UN Human Rights Council panel on freedom of expression and the Internet

nhklein nhklein at gmx.net
Wed Mar 7 03:34:46 PST 2012

On 03/07/2012 06:17 PM, Christian de Larrinaga wrote:
> Norbert
> I have not any input into INET but I am curious as to how those 
> countries aligned to have China make that statement on their behalf.
> Do you know who or what agency in Cambodia was involved?
I am also working on it to find the Cambodian motivations and rationale 
- in the same way as I would like to be able to better explain the ISOC 
rationale and strategy. As I had written before: I think the 
participation of a Chinese representative on the panel is welcome, but 
it is necessary to avoid the confusion as if ISC is ISOC - and publicly 
say why not and what is the difference, and where we stand on different 
sides. - While on the Chinese and Cambodian government sides, there 
seems to be more emphasis on sharing identities.

I have still no clue about the Cambodian co-sponsorship of the recent 
Chinese statement. If I find out, I will share it.




In April 2011, I started a new blog:

...thinking it over... after 21 years in Cambodia

continuing to share reports and comments from Cambodia.
Here are my latest postings:

Why such selective law enforcement? (20.2.2012)

Myanmar’s Roadmap to Democracy (27.2.2012)

The Freedom of Expression – China and Cambodia – and the Internet (4.3.2012)

Norbert Klein
nhklein at gmx.net
Phnom Penh / Cambodia

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