[Chapter-delegates] Reminder: Remote Hubs for the Global INET

Victor NDONNANG ndonnang at isoc-cameroon.org
Wed Mar 7 00:23:58 PST 2012

Dear Ted,


Thank you very much for this reminder and thanks to the Internet Society for
this excellent initiative which will allow chapter’s members and future
members to follow the Global INET live from home.

Internet society Cameroon chapter is interested and will register today.

Best regards,


Victor Ndonnang

Secretary General

Internet Society Cameroon Chapter.


De : chapter-delegates-bounces at elists.isoc.org
[mailto:chapter-delegates-bounces at elists.isoc.org] De la part de Ted Mooney
Envoyé : vendredi 2 mars 2012 22:37
À : chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org
Objet : [Chapter-delegates] Reminder: Remote Hubs for the Global INET


Dear Chapter Leaders,

 First, I would like to thank all the chapters that enthusiastically
volunteered to host a Remote Participation Hub for the upcoming Global INET
2012.  We are delighted that you have seized the opportunity to participate
in this programme.

For those who have yet to, please take advantage of the opportunity to
engage with your local network, recruit new members and benefit from the
social aspects of group learning and knowledge sharing that the Global INET
is sure to provide.

 As we mentioned, remote participation will be available during the general
and concurrent sessions on 23-24 April, as outlined in the Global INET
programme agenda. 

 You still have time to offer to host a remote hub site.  We want as many
chapters as possible to participate.    We realize that it may be more
challenging for some chapters than others to secure a venue capable of
supporting the remote event.  We are here to help however we can, so please
contact us for assistance.

Remember that ISOC will reimburse host chapters up tor $400 USD for
facilities, services and refreshments. To qualify for reimbursement, the
host will need to:

*	1.     Register to be a remote site by sending and Email to Joan
Wirth (wirth at isoc.org) or Alicia Jackson (Jackson at isoc.org) by March 9,
*	2.     Provide a list of attendees at your remote site,
post-conference, by April 30, 2012.
*	3.     Provide feedback to ISOC on an evaluation form, which will be
made available to you prior to the conference
*	4.     Provide an itemized list of actual costs incurred for hosting
the event

 For more information, or to volunteer to host a Remote Participation Hub,
please contact me, or Joan Wirth (wirth at isoc.org) in the ISOC Reston office.

 With your involvement and participation we will ensure that Global INET
2012 is a global success!

 Best regards,




Ted Mooney

Sr. Director, Membership & Services

The Internet Society



Direct Line: 703.439.2774

Cell:           301.980.6446


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