[Chapter-delegates] An invitation to the Webinar re. LoA/Dashboard and New Tools available

Jan Flodin jan.flodin at state.se
Sat Mar 3 07:57:45 PST 2012


I scanned through the Geneva workshop participant mailing list to try to
find out if the LoA issue is on the agenda for the Geneva workshop. Did
not find anything, seems the chapters workshop programme committee, as
Anne informed about, has not published anything yet, or have I missed

Or, is the timing such that the LoA text is to be finalized before the


Jan Flodin

On 2012-03-02 16:20, Jacek Gajewski wrote:
> Dear Chapter Officers, dear Nicolas, dear Tommi,
> We need your help!
> As you may know ISOC is planning to introduce the Letter of Affiliation (LoA), which is a mutual agreement between ISOC Global and a Chapter defining a set of minimum performance standards for each.  The LoA has been in development since 2010 and many individuals in the Chapters have participated in its evolution.  In 2011 we concentrated on developing materials and tools for Chapters in response to the feedback on the LoA. 
> If not earlier invited to other Webinar,  we would like to invite you to a webinar and to get your feedback on:
> -  LoA (see attachment, note that at this stage we share it only with you,
>  so you are kindly requested not to forward it further 
>  until we have heard and incorporated your feedback.
> -  new tools and the new support material available at:
>  http://www.internetsociety.org/who-we-are/chapters
> -  dashboard - development version (work still in progress) available at:
>  http://www.internetsociety.org/chapter-dashboard-dev201112
> Your feedback is especially important prior to translation, Specifically we would like to know if the content make sense to you, if anything is missing and if the language is easy to understand.  During the webinar we will also explain in more depth the motivation and history behind the LoA along with what it means for Chapters and ISOC HQ.
> There are two dates for the Webinar for your convenience:  
> -  Tuesday,       6 March    2012:  16.00 UTC 
> - Thursday,       8 March    2012:  12.00 UTC
> We apologize for the short notice.
> In order to subscribe to this of those two Webinars which suits you better, please register at a Doodle poll at:
>  http://www.doodle.com/8y39amd54ff23kan
> Giving your Name Surname <e-mail address>
> We very much appreciate your help and feedback. This feedback is helping us prior to a more public launch.
> The details how to log in to Webex, will be sent to you later to the e-mail address given in the Doodle poll.
> Many thanks,
> With best regards,
> Jacek Gajewski
> Chapter Development Manager
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