[Chapter-delegates] An invitation to the Webinar re. LoA/Dashboard and New Tools available

Jan Flodin jan.flodin at state.se
Sat Mar 3 07:43:51 PST 2012

So, is the time in the email correct? I see the same difference. I have
to check both meetings but hope the email is correct...

Jan Flodin

On 2012-03-02 16:46, Nicolas Antoniello wrote:
> Am I wrong or there is a difference in the time that appears on Doodle
> and the time you wrote in this email for both meetings ?? (It seems to
> be the other way round)
> - Tuesday,        6 March    2012:  16.00 UTC
> - Thursday,       8 March    2012:  12.00 UTC
> Please confirm.
> Regards,
> NIcolas
> On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 13:20, Jacek Gajewski <gajewski at isoc.org
> <mailto:gajewski at isoc.org>> wrote:
>     Dear Chapter Officers, dear Nicolas, dear Tommi,
>     We need your help!
>     As you may know ISOC is planning to introduce the Letter of
>     Affiliation (LoA), which is a mutual agreement between ISOC Global
>     and a Chapter defining a set of minimum performance standards for
>     each.  The LoA has been in development since 2010 and many
>     individuals in the Chapters have participated in its evolution.
>      In 2011 we concentrated on developing materials and tools for
>     Chapters in response to the feedback on the LoA.
>     If not earlier invited to other Webinar,  we would like to invite
>     you to a webinar and to get your feedback on:
>     -  LoA (see attachment, note that at this stage we share it only
>     with you,
>      so you are kindly requested not to forward it further
>      until we have heard and incorporated your feedback.
>     -  new tools and the new support material available at:
>      http://www.internetsociety.org/who-we-are/chapters
>     -  dashboard - development version (work still in progress)
>     available at:
>      http://www.internetsociety.org/chapter-dashboard-dev201112
>     Your feedback is especially important prior to translation,
>     Specifically we would like to know if the content make sense to
>     you, if anything is missing and if the language is easy to
>     understand.  During the webinar we will also explain in more depth
>     the motivation and history behind the LoA along with what it means
>     for Chapters and ISOC HQ.
>     There are two dates for the Webinar for your convenience:
>     -  Tuesday,       6 March    2012:  16.00 UTC
>     - Thursday,       8 March    2012:  12.00 UTC
>     We apologize for the short notice.
>     In order to subscribe to this of those two Webinars which suits
>     you better, please register at a Doodle poll at:
>      http://www.doodle.com/8y39amd54ff23kan
>     Giving your Name Surname <e-mail address>
>     We very much appreciate your help and feedback. This feedback is
>     helping us prior to a more public launch.
>     The details how to log in to Webex, will be sent to you later to
>     the e-mail address given in the Doodle poll.
>     Many thanks,
>     With best regards,
>     Jacek Gajewski
>     Chapter Development Manager
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