[Chapter-delegates] ITU Propaganda in APRICOT: ITU is the original multistakeholder approach
Eric Burger
eburger at standardstrack.com
Wed Feb 29 03:57:35 PST 2012
Scary - Trust us, we're the government?
On Feb 29, 2012, at 1:58 AM, Veni Markovski wrote:
> Thank you! Helpful!
> On Wednesday, February 29, 2012, Sivasubramanian M wrote:
> Copied from the APRICOT live transcript, proceedings of the session Internet Governance:
> .....
> In terms of what I would like to say for the structure, I think the most important thing to remember -- when I was introduced, there was reference made to my role in the expert group appointed by the secretary-general of the ITU on internationaltelecommunication regulations, ITRs.
> I thought it was fascinating, because that is in fact the second attempt to create anintergovernmental organization -- the very first one was the ... postal union.
> Those associated with ITU, like myself, we don't talk about the IPU that much, but as a schoolar, I have to be honest and say the UPU was the very first one.
> Then in 1865 the governments of Europe got together to come up with rules about how the telegraph would be governed.
> The telegraph was active from 1848.
> Among the things, among the at the nomna they had to deal with were things like the telegraph line coming from Germany to a place called Achen and stopping, and then the physical messages being carried across the border in France and being put into the telegraph line again on [ ...] on the other side of the border, because this was seen as something the governments wanted to control.
> Of course, we had the at the nomna of a man called Julius Ryeter, whose name lives on in the company Reuters, who decided to use the pigeons to accelerate the processby which this information came from the telegraph and was walked across the border and then re-inputd into the telegraph.
> He carried the financial and economic information using pigeons from the Germanside, who were not amenable to the customs procedures and so on, and as a result the ah kayak procedure that was in place did not last for very long, Mr Mr Reuter managed to leverage his activities into longstanding and powerful news organization that carries his name until today.
> So you can see that from the very beginning of electronic communication, the question of governmental coordination, governmental control over content, the private sector's involvement in it in various ways, including in getting around thegovernment controls, was a feature of the way electronic communications weregoverned.
> I find it interesting to think that these issues that we think are being addressed for thevery first time were in fact addressed -- they are not really new, they have just taken different forms.
> One of the things about the ITU that was created at that point and which continuesuntil today is the involvement of technical experts in the day-to-day activities of decision-making and coordination.
> For example, while the deliberation that some of us, for example, when I was working in government, I used to go to the meny potentialry and spend five or [ ...] five or six days, go through interminable long discussions about how to elect the nextoffice bearers and give direction to the organization per se.
> But in fact the really important work in the ITU is done in the various Working Groups.
> Under the ITU, particularly
> --
> Best,
> Veni
> == Sent from my iPhone, so sorry for any spelling mistakes, caused by the screen keyboard.
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