[Chapter-delegates] Does your Chapter want to be a remote hub for the Global INET?
President ISOC-KH
president at isoc-kh.org
Thu Feb 23 20:13:29 PST 2012
On 02/23/2012 08:09 PM, Ted Mooney wrote:
> Everything you say Klaus, rings true. I'll provide you more later as I and
> others get on these issues which, I know, have been thought through, though
> to what resolution I'm not yet in the know. I will go, find out and get back
> to the Chapter Delegates.
> Ted
> Ted Mooney
> Sr. Director - Membership& Services
> The Internet Society
> www.isoc.org
> Direct Line: 703.439.2774
> Cell: 301.980.6446
Thanks for the response - I am surely not the only one looking forward
to the further information you said will come.
I hope nobody will consider me shockingly small minded for joining those
who asked for some clarifying explanation about the fact that “ISOC
China” and the ITU is on the announced panel, but somebody clearly
representing ISOC and the known and often announced ISOC basic positions
at variance with them is not (yet?).
I hope for a response soon, as I have to explain this in our context.
I mention some elements of our situation - I share this with the readers
of this list, as "the Internet is for everyone" - also for us - but how?
- The name. There is a process to become an ISOC chapter – some of our
members are aware that it did cost some effort and conviction before we
were authorized to call ourselves “ISOC Cambodia Chapter.” “ISOC China”
does not call itself (as far as I know) a “chapter” of ISOC – but who
will understand this, reading only the program announcement?
- The policy. The ISOC Cambodia Chapter is not yet legally recognized
according to Cambodian law – but there is a public debate going on since
several years about certain restrictions some fear to be imposed on the
activities of Associations and NGOs. “Multi-stakeholderism”? - not so
much on the agenda with some people here.
- Today it was reported that the highest Appeals Court is now
prohibiting that journalists take not only any electronic recording
devices, but also “paper and pens” into the court hearings – why? “To
prevent that the media report wrongly what happens during the court
hearings.” Anybody following this logic?
- There is an ongoing debate about the freedom of access and expression
related to the Internet – and some access blocking is happening in the
country. A high level official spoke about the need to have only ONE
international Internet access link - “then we can block unwelcome
- On 21 February it was announced that the installation of a 9,000 km
Cambodia Nationwide Fiber Optic Cable Network is proceeding well, the
project of a Chinese company.
It is no surprise that some people wonder into which direction we are
That is why I hope that we will get very soon some clear explanation -
which can be quoted in public - how to interpret that our ISOC
celebrating a 20 years anniversary is not on the panel, while ISOC China
and the ITU is. Of course we have to talk to each other – we have to do
it anyway all the time here – and we do it - here where we are. And very
often it seemed that ISOC is helping us. That is why I ask how to
interpret the Geneva panel program.
Norbert Klein
ISOC Cambodia Chapter
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