[Chapter-delegates] Does your Chapter want to be a remote hub for the Global INET?

John More morej1 at mac.com
Thu Feb 23 14:43:22 PST 2012

Fully understood. Not a question of blame,but of clarity.

But it would seem to me to be important that such unaffiliated "ISOC" be identified as such.  And, if they would consider entering into a relationship that supported the Internet Society's basic principles, they could be treated as "associates".  Could be a loose or close association.  Appears to me that we re in loose association with ISOC China, which is good.  Anyway, just a thought for a long-range strategy and continued dialogue.

John More

On Feb 23, 2012, at 5:09 PM, gajewski at isoc.org wrote:

> Dear Joly and John,
>> Joly: It's not a Chapter. It's an independent Society. In a sovereign nation.
>> John: To the contrary.  They use the ISOC name.  
> The problem is that ISOC does not have an exclusive right to use the name "Internet Society" (it is registered as ownership of ISOC only in very few countries). World-wide there are several examples of NGOs named " 'country name' Internet Society" or "Internet Society of 'country name'" which are not Chapters of ISOC...  They named themselves so because "Internet Society" is simply a natural name for an NGO related to Internet and in most cases they cannot be blamed for uzurpation of ISOC ownership.
> With best regards,
> Jacek

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