[Chapter-delegates] Sally Wentworth on Core Internet Values
Greg Wood
wood at isoc.org
Thu Feb 23 09:03:57 PST 2012
Hi Alejandro,
I appreciate your specific suggestion. We'll build it into the process.
On Feb 23, 2012, at 6:01 PM, Dr. Alejandro Pisanty Baruch wrote:
> Greg,
> while most of us don't believe ISOC will sue any of us in the conditions described by Veni, full-copyright-only for all ISOC materials seems incongruous and excessive. The cognitive dissonance it conveys is not helpful for those of us who are in the day-by-day trenches preaching for more modern approaches to intellectual property management.
> A ver specific, concrette suggestion is to review the latest 5 ISOC publc white papers and ask what would be the maximum relaxation of copyright, within the Creative Commons framework, that is acceptable for ISOC. A first analysis by ISOC could probably be done in a couple weeks and we'd love to have a discussion in the chapters list once the proposal is ready. Make it all drafts and permanent-beta, the Internet way.
> Yours,
> Alejandro Pisanty
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> Dr. Alejandro Pisanty
> UNAM, Av. Universidad 3000, 04510 Mexico DF Mexico
> Tels. +52-(1)-55-5105-6044, +52-(1)-55-5418-3732
> *Mi blog/My blog: http://pisanty.blogspot.com
> *LinkedIn profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/pisanty
> *Unete al grupo UNAM en LinkedIn, http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/22285/4A106C0C8614
> *Twitter: http://twitter.com/apisanty
> ---->> Unete a ISOC Mexico, http://www.isoc.org
> Participa en ICANN, http://www.icann.org
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> ________________________________________
> Desde: chapter-delegates-bounces at elists.isoc.org [chapter-delegates-bounces at elists.isoc.org] en nombre de Greg Wood [wood at isoc.org]
> Enviado el: jueves, 23 de febrero de 2012 10:24
> Hasta: Veni Markovski
> CC: ISOC Chapter Delegates
> Asunto: Re: [Chapter-delegates] Sally Wentworth on Core Internet Values
> Hello,
> The appropriate reuse of Internet Society developed materials is encouraged.
> To that end, we have already been exploring Creative Commons licensing to explicitly permit this, especially for content published to our website but for our printed collateral as well of course.
> We will be working to finalize and implement this in the very near future, engaging the chapter-commdev group in this process. I would welcome specific suggestions directly to me as well.
> Regards,
> -Greg
> --
> Greg Wood
> Internet Society
> InternetSociety.org
> office: +1-703-439-2145
> mobile: +1-703-625-3917
> On Feb 23, 2012, at 2:55 PM, Veni Markovski wrote:
>> +1
>> Sally, well done (and, of course, I personally liked the mentioning of Bulgaria;-))
>> I only wish that ISOC publishes all its articles under Creative Commons - attribution, or similar license, so that we could actually use this article, without the need to go to ISOC each time for permission.
>> ISOC - is that possible?
>> Veni
>> On 2/22/2012 17:39, Eduard Tric wrote:
>>> very good speech , we will translate it in romanian
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Joly MacFie"<joly at punkcast.com>
>>> To: "ISOC Chapter Delegates"<chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 10:43:59 PM
>>> Subject: [Chapter-delegates] Sally Wentworth on Core Internet Values
>>> Sally Wentworth addressed cybersecurity in a speech earlier this week
>>> http://www.internetsociety.org/cybersecurity-speech-given-embassy-kingdom-netherlands-washington-dc
>>> In it she laid out some core principles (originated by Leslie Daigle, she tells me, and codified at Internet Invariants: What Really Matters )
>>> There are some basic characteristics about the Internet that really matter:
>>> The first is the Internet’s global reach and integrity . As an Internet user, I have to feel confident that all of the endpoints are connected--that when I type in www.rabobank.com , that’s actually the site I go to, and not somewhere else. It’s a little like the seal on a bottle of Tylenol, which reassures me that there has been no tampering with what’s inside. This integrity is partly a result of a technical specification called DNSSEC, which has been in the news a bit lately because of the impact that the SOPA legislation would have had on DNSSEC. I'll come back to SOPA in a few minutes.
>>> The second core Internet principle is something we at the Internet Society call permission-less innovation . Said another way, this is the ability of anyone to create a new service on the Internet without having to get approval from a governing body. Without thinking about this too long, any of us could come up with a long list of online services that might not exist if scientists and entrepreneurs needed to vet their ideas with, say, their local phone company, their national government or the United Nations.
>>> If Tim Berners-Lee had to ask for permission, would the World-Wide Web exist? Would the idea of a Web “spider” have been rejected, cutting off the development of Internet search services such as Google? Would Facebook have 850 million users and be headed for an IPO that could value it at $100 billion? How about Wikipedia and Twitter and Web mapping software and downloadable music and hundreds of other things we take for granted in our daily lives?
>>> A third thing we must preserve is the accessibility of the Internet . This goes farther than people’s being able to consume whatever legal content they want; it extends to their ability to contribute content, add a server, or attach a new network, as long as they follow the Internet's technical standards.
>>> And the fourth thing to safeguard is the Internet’s spirit of collaboration . In addressing Internet security issues, we must find a way to get all stakeholders involved, from users, to those of you in the Internet research community, to commercial companies, to policymakers. Solutions developed in isolation either don’t solve the problem or cause more harm than good. In some cases they can create significant problems that undermine the stability of the Internet.
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