[Chapter-delegates] Website Template Update

Michael Snell mjjsnell at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 11:53:56 PST 2012


This is great news. Thanks so much for your efforts in helping chapters
establish a better web presence for themselves and for ISOC.

One question: I'm assuming there will be a recommendation forthcoming, and
eventual adoption of one of these CMS tools. Can you provide any estimate
of the time frame for that?

Thanks much,

Mike Snell
San Francisco Bay Area Chapter

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 9:16 AM, Dan Graham <dan.graham at isoc.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I received confirmation from our developer about the Chapter templates.
> The WordPress template will be ready the week of March 12th. I'll be
> receiving the first "draft" the week of March 5th - which will allow me to
> share them with the comm-dev group that week for feedback.
> The Drupal template should be ready the week of the 26th and the Joomla
> one should be ready the week after that.
> Best Regards,
> Dan
> Dan Graham
> Internet Society
> Office: +41 22 809 0368
> Mobile: +41 78 757 9943
> www.internetsociety.org
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