[Chapter-delegates] EU To Refer ACTA To EU's Top Court For Legal Clarification
Frederic Donck
donck at isoc.org
Wed Feb 22 05:14:21 PST 2012
Hi Veni
Many thanks for this excellent campaign from your side. In Brussels, the EU bureau has sent over 200 mails to EC and EP those last days, with specific calls as well. And I know that many European chapters have taken similar intiatives those last weeks. Great effort.
Now I agree with you re: nature of the question to ECJ. And this is why I'm not over optimistic.
Interestingly however, the last ECJ rulings in SABAM cases have set strong principles re: system of filtering and blocking of content in order to protect intellectual property rights-and this might play as a strong frame in any ECJ "whereas" on the ACTA legitimity.
So let's wait and see (taking into account that the whole ratification process is suspended). In the meantime, I shall try to put my hands on the EC request.
Best Regards
Frederic Donck
Director European Regional Bureau
Internet Society
Le 22 févr. 2012 à 13:37, Veni Markovski a écrit :
> Yes,
> We were expecting it; last week on Thursday the Commission was scheduled to take a decision; there was an ad hoc campaign to call on the Commissioners to make sure we understand that this is a way for them to avoid taking decision. I personally talked to some of the Bulgarian commissioner' staffers, and we have organized tens of emails and phone calls sent.
> Now, the more important question is what exactly has the Commission asked the ECJ. A very narrow question might be a free pass for ACTA to go ahead.
> Veni
> On 2/22/2012 07:32, Frederic Donck wrote:
>> http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20120222-705795.html
>> Very interesting development. Now the "hot potato" is with the ECJ...
>> Best Regards
>> Frederic
>> Frederic Donck
>> Director European Regional Bureau
>> Internet Society
>> www.isoc.org
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