[Chapter-delegates] Dutch parliament freezes signing ACTA

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Wed Feb 15 03:02:15 PST 2012

The Bulgarian cabinet also stopped the discussions on ACTA, but
conditionally, waiting for the European parliament decision. As usual, the
government proves my case, that Bulgaria is better off shutting down its
parliament, and opening a translation desk to only interprete from English
to Bulgarian what "Brussels" says :(
Still, a temporary success!

On Wednesday, February 15, 2012, Michiel Leenaars <michiel at staff.isocn.nl>
> Hi all,
> good news from our side of the planet. As you may have seen Dutch
> parliament has voted against ratifying ACTA for now yesterday.
> I don't know what the status is of the Internet Society statement
> on ACTA that was circulated last week, but the Netherlands decision
> (along with similar decisions in other contries as mentioned earlier
> on this list) definitely make the case for going back to the drawing
> board on this issue obvious.
> Best,
> Michiel Leenaars
> Internet Society Netherlands
> ----------------------------
> http://www.rnw.nl/english/bulletin/dutch-parliament-opposes-ratifying-acta
> Dutch parliament opposes ratifying ACTA
> The Dutch Lower House has backed a motion from the Green Left party which
> says that the Netherlands should, for the time being, refrain from signing
> an international treaty designed to combat piracy and counterfeit trade on
> the Internet.
> The motion says that there first needs to be clarity over whether the
> treaty threatens the rights and the privacy of Internet users.
> The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is a treaty between the 27
> EU Member States and ten other countries including the US, Canada and
> Japan. Last weekend, tens of thousands of Europeans in cities across
> Europe demonstrated against ACTA. They fear it will limit the freedom of
> internet use.
> Some EU Member States have already ratified the treaty but others,
> including the Netherlands and Germany, have not yet done so. The Bulgarian
> government says it prefers to wait until the EU has agreed a common
> position for all 27 members.
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== Sent from my iPhone, so sorry for any spelling mistakes, caused by the
screen keyboard.
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