[Chapter-delegates] Results of the call: Additional Self-Paying participants to the Chapters Workshop in Geneva, 21-22.4.2012

Jacek Gajewski gajewski at isoc.org
Tue Feb 14 01:33:23 PST 2012

Dear Chapter Delegates,

    In response to our call for the remaining 11 places available at Chapter Workshop venue we got following applications (in chronological order):

90. Carlos Afonso
91. Charles Oloo
92. Carlos Raul Gutierrez
93. Hassene Sidat
94. Bangali Dihnka
95. Demi Getchko
96. Nancy Quiros
97. Nans Peter Dittler
98. Christopher Wilkinson
99. Alexander Blom
100. Veni Markovsky 
101. Wladyslaw Majewski
102. Alejandro Pisanty
103. Mohamed Ibrahim
104. Roberta Philips Son
105. Lajos Balint


-  people on positions 90-100 are kindly requested to register at INET registration system (if they have not yet done so). Please disregard the information on the registration web-site that Chapter Workshop is fully booked. Your names will be added to the Workshop participants list and the related discussion list.

- people on positions 101-105 are put on waiting list and will be invited if somebody from main list cancels his participation or our trials to put more tables and chairs into Chapter Workshop conference hall will be accepted by venue management. You may subscribe to the Workshop participants discussion list: 
geneva2012-workshop-participants at elists.isoc.org

With best regards,

Jacek Gajewski
Chapter Development Manager

On Feb 9, 2012, at 8:57 AM, gajewski at isoc.org wrote:

> Dear Chapter Delegates,
> We have finished processing applications for Travel Fellowship to Chapters Workshop and INET in Geneva, April 21-24, 2012 and we are happy to announce that we will have 89 participants. Approximately 75% of those participants have never been at any previous ISOC workshop and are considered by their chapters as potential future leaders.
> The capacity of the workshop venue is capped at circa 100 persons.  As noted above, we already have 89 confirmed participants. IMPORTANT.  If you are planning to take part in the chapter workshop (21-22 Feb 2012) on fully self funded basis (or shared travel fellowship basis, which requires the consent of the nominated Fellow), we URGENTLY need to know it for logistical, catering and visa support reasons. Therefore we kindly ask you to complete the same application form as those applying for Travel Fellowship at:
> https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ISOC-Travel-Fellowship-Application
> indicating that you will pay yourself for your flight, arrange your hotel yourself, describing fields of your particular interest and providing personal details if you require visa invitation letters.  
> The deadline for completing the form is Friday 10 Feb, 2012  UTC 17.00
> As we anticipate that there will be more applications then our modest reserve of free places in the workshop venue, the applications will be considered on "first come - first served" basis. On 13th February 2012 morning (CET time), I will let you know who is accepted, all others will be put on a waiting list and can only be accepted if somebody drops off.  
> Please, send your application as soon as possible, we urgently need to know it for our catering and venue logistics as we are finalizing the details.
> With best regards,
> Jacek Gajewski
> Chapter Development Manager

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