[Chapter-delegates] [European-chapters] ACTA & European Parliament: letter to MEPs

Frederic Donck donck at isoc.org
Fri Feb 10 02:34:12 PST 2012


Best Regards

Frederic Donck
Director European Regional Bureau
Internet Society


Début du message réexpédié :

> De : Frederic Donck <donck at isoc.org>
> Objet : [European-chapters] ACTA & European Parliament: letter to MEPs
> Date : 10 février 2012 11:33:10 HNEC
> À : European Chapters <european-chapters at elists.isoc.org>
> Cc : Markus Kummer <kummer at isoc.org>, Runnegar Christine <runnegar at isoc.org>, Roseman Walda <roseman at isoc.org>, ISOC Support Chapter <chapter-support at isoc.org>
> Dear All
> Everyday brings news about a general mobilization against ACTA in Europe, and this is great news. 
> Attached, please find the draft letter to the MEPs which we would invite you to use in your engagement with "your" national MEPs (and, of course, with all MEPs and/or any other policymakers at national level, as you see fit). 
> We understand that to-morrow (11February) is an important day in the current mobilization against ACTA. This is very short notice but we nevertheless want to be part of this campaign and would like to post the letter on our website later today. 
> Of course, we do value your comments on the attached letter, as we are just in the beginning of the process of engaging MEPs in this critical debate.
> Looking forward to your comments 
> Best Regards
> Frederic
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> Frederic Donck
> Director European Regional Bureau
> Internet Society
> www.isoc.org
> Le 2 févr. 2012 à 16:51, Frederic Donck a écrit :
> Dear All
> Thanks for your many reactions and substantial contributions to the list-very useful.
> As promised, I woul like to come back to you re: the next steps.
> 1. We should be able to share a first draft position with you all in the course of next week. 
> 2. Attached, you will find the list of MEPs (with names & email addresses, Party, Cttee and nationality) who are involved in this process.  The excel sheet should allow all of us to organise our approach in an easy way as this can be used folliwing many criteria. Hope you will find it useful going forward.
> 3. I have approached several persons within the EP with a view to obtain detailed information about the timing & the process. At this stage, limited information is available but this is what I got.
> 3.1. INTA should be offically seized around Mid-February. The new 'rapporteur' still needs to be found after Arif decided to leave (his decision and the motives behind it have been widely communicated).  
> shadow Rapporteur is  Fjellner (EPP)
> vote  in cttee: April/May
> vote in Plenary: June -July 
> 3.2. Other Cttees have not yet established timetables, so far.
> — DEVE rapporteur is Zahradil (ECR): vote might be taken at the end of February
> — LIBE  rapporteur is Droutsas (S&D) 
> — ITRE rapporteur is Andersdotter ( Green)
> — JURI rapporteur is Gallo ( EPP)
> Hope you'll find this information useful and I'm looking forward to further discuss our engagement with you (at both EU and national level) in the next coming days
> thanks
> Best Regards
> Frederic
> <ACTA MEPs Stakeholder List.xls>
> Frederic Donck
> Director European Regional Bureau
> Internet Society
> www.isoc.org
> Le 30 janv. 2012 à 15:34, Frederic Donck a écrit :
>> Dear All
>> Thanks for your mails re: ACTA in Europe, as well as the pointers which you have referred to and your many suggestions to engage collectively. This is very timely and extremely useful.
>> We totally agree and we too believe that a concerted action towards MEPs will prove very efficient at this stage as the EU Parliament will be at the centre of this debate in Europe in the coming weeks.
>> This said, the biggest challenge will also take place at *national* level (as recently evidenced by the Polish situation, among others) and this is where your engagement with local authorities will be instrumental as well.
>> So, this is the scenario which we would propose as a next step:
>> 1. In coordination with ISOC Policy team, we will draft an overall message for the MEPs in advance of their many meetings in the coming weeks. And we will share it with you all, on the European Chapters list with a view to finalize our global message. 
>> Action: ISOC to draft and circulate overall message to MEPs.
>> 2. In the next coming days, the EU Bureau shall collect the list (names, addresses, committees, nationality, Party affiliation) of all the MEPs who will be involved in the ACTA discussion in the coming weeks. We know that the INTA (International Trade Cttee of the European Parliament) has the lead within the EP, but many other committees will be drafting their own opinion (Legal Affairs, Development, Civil Liberties and Industry) so the objective will be to reach those MEPs as well. 
>> Action: The EU Bureau shall circulate a list which can be easily used by each of us, i.e. broken a.o. by nationality so that each chapter can easily reach their own national representatives within the EP, in their own language, on top of our global message. This should maximize the impact of our global engagement at both EU and national level.
>> 3. The EU Bureau shall obtain clarification on a complete timeschedule, in particular the deadlines for the EP committess' opinion and will circulate it on this list.  
>> 4. We will monitor the EU situation and invite you to do it as well at national level and exchange on this list, going forward. Many chapters have already engaged at local level in Europe (Slovenia, Luxembourg, UK, Poland, etc.) and we would of course benefit from everybody's feedback. For sure, we would also benefit from chapters experience outside of Europe and this is why I have opened the current list to the global chapters delegates list (sorry the redundancy) I have in mind, among many others, the very important role which Alejandro and other members of ISOC Mexico have played in informing the Mexican Senate re: ACTA. So, any advise re: their successful local engagement is highly welcome.
>> 5. Last but not least, the EU Bureau is in the process to organise a F2F meeting in March where ISOC (Policy and Bureau) will be meeting with the Danish Presidency and some key stakeholders in Brussels (incl. relevant MEPs). I shall keep you informed of the progress re: this meeting in due course.
>> I hope this scenario works for you all and, in the meantime, we will need to keep each of us informed at all stage of the process going forward and we welcome any further suggestions.
>> Thanks again for your engagement and we look forward to engaging in the next steps with you all
>> Best Regards
>> Frederic
>> Frederic Donck
>> Director European Regional Bureau
>> Internet Society
>> www.isoc.org
>> Le 28 janv. 2012 à 11:57, Patrick Vande Walle a écrit :
>>> Hello to all, and especially Frédéric,
>>> Does ISOC, together with the European chapters plan to alert the MEPs on the danger of the ACTA treaty ? 
>>> I think the potential to see this blocked by the EP is real. Many MEPs are unhappy with the way have been excluded from the discussion. The rapporteur from the Parliament has resigned in protest.
>>> What still needs to be done is to convince the unaware or skeptic MEPs that ACTA is a real danger both for Net neutrality and for freedom of expression. 
>>> I am sure lawyers will be able to demonstrate that some provisions in the treaty are incompatible with the European charter on fundamental rights. Still, there is room for ISOC to make its voice heard. We have been very successful on SOPA/PIPA lately in the US. I trust we can do the same on ACTA in Europe. 
>>> Best regards,
>>> Patrick  
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