[Chapter-delegates] PES on ACTA - wow!

Eduard Tric eduard.tric at isoc.ro
Thu Feb 9 11:51:22 PST 2012

Right  Veni, as PES's are already convinced,  let's not waste time re-convincing them and try to focus on governments (they can freeze Acta very fast), EPP's and independents.
The Estonian government  just freezed acta ratification http://bnn-news.com/economy-minister-blocks-ratification-acta-49079 , so now it is more an exercise (where Isoc may/should/must play a role ) of setting up and participating to a multistakeholder democratic process for the new treaties : Acta2 and Apta (piracy).
"Win first, fight later" - Hagakure Martial treaty - 1700

----- Original Message -----
From: "Veni Markovski" <veni at veni.com>
To: "Eduard Tric" <eduard.tric at isoc.ro>
Cc: Chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org, "European Chapters" <european-chapters at elists.isoc.org>, "Elena Zvarici" <elena.zvarici at isoc.ro>
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2012 9:32:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Chapter-delegates] PES on ACTA - wow!

point taken - already sent the message back to PES. Now, I wish we find 
approach to the EPP as well ;)


On 2/9/2012 13:50, Eduard Tric wrote:
> I am less impressed , the reasoning is badly flawed ,his  particularly phrase  striked me ,as it goes against Isoc/Icann multistakeholder approach :
> "We cannot allow this legislation to privatize Internet governance and limit fundamental freedoms."
> It would mean that PES (european socialists) would like to supress Icann , Isoc  and set-up a ITU-type government controlled Internet.
> I would prefer to leave Internet as is.

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