[Chapter-delegates] PES on ACTA - wow!
Veni Markovski
veni at veni.com
Thu Feb 9 09:25:12 PST 2012
I am not usually saying nice words about any politicians, therefore this
is even more deserved. And, of course, I must admit that the fact Mr.
Stanishev, the chairman of PES, is a member of ISOC-Bulgaria since 2000
certainly helps conveying some messages, and he listened. I am being
told that some parties were not very supportive of the declaration, but
were persuaded that the issue at stake is more important than usual.
Good job!
Now, all other chapters, please, reach out to your governments as well!
ACTA is "wrong in both content and process", says PES in strongly
worded declaration
Protests against ACTA
Protests against ACTA
*PES President calls on European Parliament to vote against agreement*
The Party of European Socialists (PES) has today *adopted a text*
which condemns the democratic shortcomings of the ACTA
(Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) and warns against its potential
threat to the fundamental rights of the citizens. The text calls the
agreement; "wrong in both content and process".
The agreement is at risk of allowing internet providers to violate
Internet privacy and would restrict open discourse. There are concerns
that it would also limit the access to generic medicine. This proposal
has been negotiated behind closed doors since 2007.
PES President *Sergei Stanishev *has called on the European Parliament
to vote against the proposal in June. He noted that; "the ACTA proposal
is wrong in both content and process. It does not reflect the interest
of citizens but the interests of big corporations and profit margins: it
confers on them alarmingly broad powers to punish and restrict. We
cannot allow this legislation to privatize Internet governance and limit
fundamental freedoms. Intellectual property rights must be guaranteed,
but not at the expense of the rights of the citizens. The statement
adopted at the PES Presidency on Thursday 9 February commits the PES to
a long term campaign to remove the stated risks from the draft".
Mr. Stanishev added that; "the PES does not support the type of extreme
censorship as proposed by ACTA, and regrets that the conservative
majority in the European Parliament have shut down any opportunity to
conduct a clear and fair debate at social and political level".
PES Secretary General *Philip Cordery* stated: "ACTA will have a huge
impact on the lives of the citizens and, yet the European Commission has
discussed the text in absolute secrecy. This is unacceptable. Any debate
related to ACTA must be transparent, publicly accountable and faithful
to our most democratic values".
ACTA is set to be voted on by the European Parliament in June and
ratified at national level. In the meantime, a multitudinous, EU-wide
demonstration against the agreement will take place this Saturday. The
online petition <http://www.avaaz.org/en/stop_acta/> calling for the
rejection of ACTA has been endorsed by almost two million signatures.
Over 200 events
are planned for Saturday.
*Read the PES declaration on ACTA*
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