[Chapter-delegates] Global Chapters workshop - update
Anne Lord
lord at isoc.org
Wed Feb 8 18:03:49 PST 2012
Dear All,
As a follow up to messages last week to this list, we have now
established a chapters workshop programme committee who will provide
input and advice on the workshop agenda. The committee consists of the
following Chapter representatives : (thank you all)
Ping Wong (Hong Kong Chapter)
John More (Washington DC Chapter)
Raqel Gatto (Brazil Chapter)
Igor Mkrtumyan (Armenia Chapter)
Victor Ndonnang (Cameroon Chapter)
Others on the committee are:
- Chapter Support and Ted Mooney
- Peter Houstle
They have a mailing list: geneva2012-workshop-programme at elists.isoc.org
Getting input:
- We have asked workshop participants to complete a participant
survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/
2012_ISOC_Chapter_Workshop. The Committee will use the input from
the survey to help them. Of course, we are always happy to have input
directly, via the email list above. We are trying to balance input
from all the attendees. No easy task!
We have established a participants email list: geneva2012-workshop-participants at elists.isoc.org
. This list will be used for logistical and co-ordination updates and
information, as well as providing a forum for the attendees to
exchange information. Any chapter delegate is welcome to join this
list. .
Best wishes
Anne Lord, <lord at isoc.org>
Director of Chapters http://www.isoc.org
Internet Society "The Internet is for everyone"
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