[Chapter-delegates] History of Internet and Internet Governance: Events in Chennai region
Anne Lord
lord at isoc.org
Wed Feb 8 16:51:30 PST 2012
hi Sivasubramanian, Olivier and everyone involved with this event,
Great! Thank you for sharing the slides and details of this event
and congratulations! This is a great example of reaching out to the
"next generation".
Just for sharing further - did you take any pictures? We can include a
story in our members newsletter.
> Hello
> Almost at Zero Budget, three short duration events happened at Isoc
> India Chennai in three locations, 4-6 hours of travel between the
> locations. Dr Olivier Crepin LeBlond, Chair of ICANN At Large led a
> session on IPv6 at Technoforum, Pondichery where I was asked to
> organize another 3 hour session on the History of Internet and
> Internet Governance. Olivier was kind enough to extend his stay in
> India by two days to visit Bharathidasan Institute of Management,
> one of India’s most renowned Business Schools, at Trichy, and
> Karunya University at Coimbatore, made possible largely by Chapter
> Secretary Sarto’s efforts.
> The sessions on the three locations followed a simple pattern. While
> Olivier as the Technical Expert had the tough task of going deeper
> into the technical aspects in a plain language without compromising
> on the need for precision, my presentation was a ‘rough’ history of
> Internet and Internet Governance, prepared as a relatively non-
> technical introduction.
> Jonathan Zittrain and Rebecca Mackinnon instantly replied to the
> email messages sent for permission to screen videos of their talks,
> so on the non-technical part a Jonathan Zittrain’s talk on “The
> Future of Internet” and Rebecca MacKinnon’s Personal Democaracy
> Forum and TED talks on “Consent of the Networked” could be included
> which became an excellent primer on Internet Governance issues to
> create interest.
> The topics revolved around the History of Internet and Internet
> Governance in all three locations, but at BIM the theme was
> “Internet for Business: Permissionless Innovation”.
> Please take a look at the slides embedded in the Chapter
> We are thankful to Olivier for his extended stay as a pleasant Guest
> to reach out to a total of a little over 1000 students in 4 days !
> We are thankful to B.I.M, and Karunya for the opportunity at short
> notice.
> The presentations are embedded at http://isocindiachennai.org/?p=856
> The rough history of Internet Governance for a non-technical
> audience is far from complete as a full presentation by itself. The
> presentation in its present form offers a glimpse, at best. We would
> invite all Chapter leaders to collaborate on this prezi presentation
> to develop this into a more accurate presentation, with a libre
> office version, with more pictures and more videos and a fair
> coverage of the most important of the Internet pioneers.
> ( I am sorry, we could not set up webcast on these locations as
> intended )
> Sivasubramanian M
> ISOC India Chennai
> http://isocindiachennai.org
> facebook: goo.gl/1VvIG
> LinkedIn: goo.gl/eUt7s
> Twitter: http://goo.gl/kaQ3a
> http://internetstudio.in/
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Anne Lord, <lord at isoc.org>
Director of Chapters http://www.isoc.org
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