[Chapter-delegates] History of Internet and Internet Governance: Events in Chennai region

Sivasubramanian M isolatedn at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 14:06:58 PST 2012


*Almost at Zero Budget, three short duration events happened at Isoc India
Chennai in three locations, 4-6 hours of travel between the locations. Dr
Olivier Crepin LeBlond, Chair of ICANN At Large led a session on IPv6 at
Technoforum, Pondichery where I was asked to organize another 3 hour
session on the History of Internet and Internet Governance. Olivier was
kind enough to extend his stay in India by two days to visit Bharathidasan
Institute of Management, one of India’s most renowned Business Schools, at
Trichy, and Karunya University at Coimbatore, made possible largely by
Chapter Secretary Sarto’s efforts. *

The sessions on the three locations followed a simple pattern. While
Olivier as the Technical Expert had the tough task of going deeper into the
technical aspects in a plain language without compromising on the need for
precision, my presentation was a ‘rough’ history of Internet and Internet
Governance, prepared as a relatively non-technical introduction.

Jonathan Zittrain and Rebecca Mackinnon instantly replied to the email
messages sent for permission to screen videos of their talks, so on the
non-technical part a Jonathan Zittrain’s talk on “The Future of Internet”
and Rebecca MacKinnon’s Personal Democaracy Forum and TED talks on “Consent
of the Networked” could be included which became an excellent primer on
Internet Governance issues to create interest.

The topics revolved around the History of Internet and Internet Governance
in all three locations, but at BIM the theme was “Internet for Business:
Permissionless Innovation”.

Please take a look at the slides embedded in the Chapter

We are thankful to Olivier for his extended stay as a pleasant Guest to
reach out to a total of a little over 1000 students in 4 days ! We are
thankful to B.I.M <http://www.bim.edu/>, and Karunya
<http://karunya.edu/>for the opportunity at short notice.

The presentations are embedded at http://isocindiachennai.org/?p=856

*The rough history of Internet Governance for a non-technical audience is
far from complete as a full presentation by itself. The presentation in its
present form offers a glimpse, at best. We would invite all Chapter leaders
to collaborate on this prezi presentation to develop this into a more
accurate presentation, with a libre office version, with more pictures and
more videos and a fair coverage of the most important of the Internet

( I am sorry, we could not set up webcast on these locations as intended )

Sivasubramanian M
ISOC India Chennai

facebook: goo.gl/1VvIG
LinkedIn:  goo.gl/eUt7s
Twitter: http://goo.gl/kaQ3a
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