[Chapter-delegates] Fwd: Friendly reminder - Request for help - very short survey : communications needs and priorities

nhklein nhklein at gmx.net
Tue Feb 7 05:18:17 PST 2012

Though I am among those who responded to the survey, I felt quite 
restricted - and I reorganized the priority settings several  times 
before I sent the survey back, because it really did not allow me to 
explain HOW I felt about some of the points which I only could put into 
a numerical order - not even allowing me to group several points as 
"top" or as "not so important for us."

So I also appreciate the comments by Klaus. And I especially support his 
last paragraph:

*Issue tracking:* I mentioned this before. If we seriously intend to 
manage issues (not only technical ones) we require some means to track 
them. For technical issues mantis would be a good start.

If we really got mantis operational as a first step, I feel that would 
already move us on a lot, even for the limited field mantis can serve. 
But then move on beyond.


On 02/07/2012 07:14 PM, Elena Zvarici wrote:
> I second Klaus' points.
> Elena Zvarici
> Communication manager
> Internet Society Romania
> +40726128728
> http://www.isoc.ro
> /Consider the environment: don't print this email unless necessary. /
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From: *"Klaus Birkenbihl" <Klaus.Birkenbihl at Isoc.de>
> *To: *chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org
> *Sent: *Tuesday, February 7, 2012 1:54:25 PM
> *Subject: *Re: [Chapter-delegates] Fwd: Friendly reminder - Request 
> for help - very short survey : communications needs and priorities
> Hi Anne,
> a form is always good for the reader and for the one who fills it.
> Less work on both sides. The disadvantage is that the space for
> answers is limited. And this is definitely the case with your
> questionnaire. So there are quite some tools that we already have in
> place and never would buy from ISOC. Others - like Elenas
> collaboration platform cover some of the tools you mention and should
> rather not be duplicated.
> So just clicking prio 1 to 8 doesn't tell you much. Here my position
> (not speaking for ISOC.DE but assuming it is mostly shared by ISOC.DE
> board).
> *ID service*.: Would be nice to have. Frankly I doubt that ISOC can
> provide it in a decent way. I mean for all members in AMS? How do you
> know they exist and how could you prove their identity?
> *Email forwarding*: We provide it from ISOC.DE domain
> *Newsgroup:* I didn't here much of a request. Elena's forum might
> cover some of it.
> *Webhosting:* exists, financial support would be accepted.
> *Domain Names:* We have ISOC.DE, we are rather not interested in
> InternetSociety.DE which is grabbed. If somebody fights to get it back
> and pays it - we would accept to run it as an alias of ISOC.DE.
> *IM Forum:* rather not interested
> *Chapter membership portal:* After all I've seen so far I'd rather
> prefer to administer our membership with our own tools. Some decent
> mechanism to synchronize with AMS would better would be appreciated -
> but since we have a viable solution it is not urgent.
> *Topic based Mailinglist:* Would be really useful. But we should
> discuss how this overlaps with the forum.
> *Remote Conferencing:* We do this by now with Skype (audio and chat
> for minute taking) and it works OK for us. I heavily used W3C's Zakim
> before - a lot of additional functions wrt conference management,
> minute taking ... nice to have IMHO but having a good IM function +
> phone over IP is sufficient.
> *Issue tracking:* I mentioned this before. If we seriously intend to
> manage issues (not only technical ones) we require some means to track
> them. For technical issues mantis would be a good start.
> Best, Klaus

In April 2011, I started a new blog:

...thinking it over... after 21 years in Cambodia

continuing to share reports and comments from Cambodia.
This is my latest posting:

18 January shooting – Prime Minister’s interventions bringing changes? (2.2.2012)

Norbert Klein
nhklein at gmx.net
Phnom Penh / Cambodia

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