[Chapter-delegates] Fwd: Friendly reminder - Request for help - very short survey : communications needs and priorities
Anne Lord
lord at isoc.org
Mon Feb 6 19:46:25 PST 2012
Hi Everyone,
This is just a friendly reminder.
We have had 19 responses to the survey so far. Thank you to Victor,
Peng Hwa, Alejandro, Aminou, Janvier, Nicolas, Eduardo, Syed, Hans
Peter, Rudi, Anupam, Pierre, Imran, Norbert, Modou, Wilson, Meng
Leang, Christopher and Ed.
We would love to hear from more of you. There is essentially one
question which asks you to rank the priorities, along with space for
you to tell us about any additional needs you may have. To start
with, we will use the results from the survey at an internal planning
meeting this week.
The survey can be accessed at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/comms-priorities
Thanks again for your help.
best wishes,
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Anne Lord <lord at isoc.org>
> Date: 2 February 2012 4:29:54 PM
> To: Chapter Delegates <chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>
> Subject: [Chapter-delegates] Request for help - very short survey :
> communications needs and priorities
> Hi Everyone,
> Over the last week or so, there have been a number of postings to
> this list concerning the need for communications and IT tools to
> support chapters and chapter and member collaboration. We would
> like to follow up on these postings. So a first step is to ask those
> who are interested in this topic to complete a very short survey
> which contains only 4 questions. This will be a starting point to
> giving us input from a broader section of the Chapter community,
> along with a sense of the priorities.
> The survey can be accessed at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/comms-priorities
> The deadline for responses is February 10th. We apologise for the
> short deadline. There is an internal planning meeting on February
> 8th-9th and we would like to be able to use some of the information
> from the survey at that meeting. We would like to emphasize that
> this is an ongoing conversation and that we will be reaching out to
> you for your input and help as we go forward.
> We look forward to hearing from you.
> Thank you for your help,
> Anne
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Anne Lord, <lord at isoc.org>
> Director of Chapters http://www.isoc.org
> Internet Society "The Internet is for everyone"
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Anne Lord, <lord at isoc.org>
Director of Chapters http://www.isoc.org
Internet Society "The Internet is for everyone"
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