[Chapter-delegates] Tracking issues/improvements for ISOC Website
Klaus Birkenbihl
Klaus.Birkenbihl at Isoc.de
Fri Feb 3 03:10:41 PST 2012
to pursue this topic I set-up a preliminary private page to collect
Website issues. The content of this page will be fed into a tracking
system as soon as available. I had a conversation with Dan on this
yesterday. Dan will talk to the IT folks to get a tracking system
Till then I will volunteer to collect issues on my private page. So if
you encounter an issue that you want to report please:
1. check the table (see below) to see if the issue is listed already
2. drop me a mail describing the issue (summary, description)
3. I'll add it to the list
Here the preliminary page:
This page is not linked from anywhere and - though it does not contain
any secrets - should be kept ISOC confidential for obvious reasons.
As said this is *preliminary* and only to make sure issues don't get
lost. I assume we will have a tracking system ready soon.
Cheers, Klaus
Klaus Birkenbihl wrote on 2012-01-27 13:45:
> Dear All,
> as you know I suggested to have an issue tracker as part of the
> collaboration Web site. And I said I would be happy to feed and
> administer one related to the ISOC Website. At least for technical
> issues ISOC has a tool already in place:
> https://mantis.tools.isoc.org/
> see: New updates to the ISOC Chapter Portal / 2010-08-27 10:49 -0400
> and: Latest enhancements to the ISOC AMS Chapter Portal (Review
> Applicants page) 2011-05-06 09:08 -0400
> It is obviously not heavily used (9 issues in 1+year) - and many of us
> (like me) may have even overseen it when it was announced - nor is it
> up-to-date, but it has all the potential to track technical issues. In
> order to make progress (not much seen up to now) with
> documentation/fixing the issues of http://www.internetsociety.org/ I
> suggest to create a new Project "Internetsociety.org Website".
> I'm aware that in order to be useful some requirements have to be
> fulfilled:
> * project administration (defining Categories, eliminate spam,
> delete spamming accounts). I don't expect this to be very
> demanding and would volunteer to do this for at least 6 months to
> give it a start.
> * people have to use it - those who report issues and those who fix
> them. So if somebody reports an issue to webfeedback at isoc.org
> <mailto:webfeedback at isoc.org> he should be invited to
> https://mantis.tools.isoc.org/ and his issue should be transferred
> to the tracker.
> Bug- or issue trackers are widely used to cooperate between developers
> and users of technical systems. We should not be shy to use them to
> fix our (insert an adjective you like) Internet presence. Wrt the ISOC
> Website I would use some tracking anyhow to remember things I reported
> already (my poor brain starts forgetting).
> So please, to get a start - could IT - or whoever is responsible please:
> * start a project "Internetsociety.org Website" on Mantis
> * somebody step in as administrator (or authorize me as project
> administrator
> This would get the ball rolling - and we could start to get people on
> board.
> Am I moving too fast? Actually I don't think so. Observing what has
> happened to the site for 1.5 months now: it started low at didn't gain
> much height up to now.
> Best, Klaus
> PS.: Bonus track ...
> I sent 71 (not all!) pages of http://www.internetsociety.org/ through
> the HTML validator. Only 8 didn't pass. This is not an excellent ratio
> but is not so bad either. For those in charge here are those that had
> errors:
> http://www.internetsociety.org/events/chapter-events is Invalid, Errors:9
> http://www.internetsociety.org/events/events-calendar is Invalid, Errors:7
> http://www.internetsociety.org/events/global-inet-2012 is Invalid,
> Errors:2
> http://www.internetsociety.org/events/past-events is Invalid, Errors:17
> http://www.internetsociety.org/get-involved/spread-word is Invalid,
> Errors:2
> http://www.internetsociety.org/news/world-ipv6-launch-solidifies-global-support-new-internet-protocol
> is Invalid, Errors:1
> http://www.internetsociety.org/rss is Invalid, Errors:2
> http://www.internetsociety.org/who-we-are/contact-us is Invalid, Errors:1
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> --
> Klaus Birkenbihl
> Internet Society German Chapter e.V. (ISOC.DE)
> http://www.isoc.de/
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