[Chapter-delegates] [Fwd: [Ecc-council] HADOPI like regime debated under European Commission initiative]

Jozef Halbersztadt jothal at isoc.org.pl
Mon Sep 13 02:41:40 PDT 2010

-------- Wiadomość oryginalna --------
Temat: [Ecc-council] HADOPI like regime debated under European 
Commission initiative
Data: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 12:33:56 +0200
Nadawca: Jozef Halbersztadt <jothal at o2.pl>
Adresat: pubpol-wg at elists.isoc.org
Kopia: ecc-council at isoc-ecc.org, chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org

Hi all,

Since autumn 2009 the European Commission (Internal Market DG) is 
facilitating dialogue of stakeholders on problems in the field of 
copyright enforcement in Internet. They focused on file sharing (Illegal 
Up- and Downloading).



 From the Commission: Margot Fröhlinger Director MARKT/D3 and half a 
dozen of her staff, liaisons to the other DGs: Information Society, 
Consumers, Trade, Justice.
Rightholders of the copyright industry: IPFI (music), MPA (film), ISFE 
and BSA (games and software), FEP and ENPA (books and newspapers), EBU 
and ACT (broadcasters) and SROC (sports), GESAC, SCPP, AEPO-ARTIS 
(collective rights management organizations).
The telecommunications sector was represented at sector level by ETNO, 
EuroISPA, ECTA and CableEurope. Individual telecom operators, like BT, 
Orange, Telefonica, Telecom Italia, Fastweb, Liberty Global and Virgin 

BEUC, which gathers all the European groups of consumers associations 
was invited, but choose not to participate. ISOC or any other Internet 
ecosystem group was not invited.

Topics covered and dates:
Educational measures and awareness raising - 11 September 2009
Legal offers - 9 October 2009
Information sharing - 3 February 2010
Current legal framework - 3 March 2010
Sanctions and other legal actions - 14 April 2010
Technical measures - 2 June 2010
Economic implications - 1 July 2010

Kick-off of new season was planned for September 10 to discuss draft 
Synthesis Report and other papers proposed by DG Internal Market.

Links to basic documents are here:

First draft of the Synthesis Report

Reports from the last 2 meetings
Technical measures
Economic implications

Proposals by the Commission for future dialogue
Functioning of the IPR Enforcement Directive (IPRED) with respect to up- 
and downloading
Voluntary collaboration between rightholders and Internet companies 
(Memorandum of Understanding)

Available presentations of some stakeholders
IFPI (RH music)
MPA (RH film)

On behalf of the Commission was studied online copyright enforcement and 
data protection in selected Member States (Austria, Belgium, France, 
Germany, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom). 
The reports are available via the website of the Internal Market and 
Services DG.

Best regards,
Jozef Halbersztadt
ISOC Poland

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