[Chapter-delegates] Fwd: Remote participation for IGF 2010: individuals and groups

Anne Lord lord at isoc.org
Tue Sep 7 20:57:21 PDT 2010

Dear Colleagues,

There are over 30 remote hubs being provided to facilitate  
participation in the upcoming IGF in Vilnius.  A number of the hubs  
are provided by ISOC Chapters (thank you!). Even if you are not  
involved in the IGF in any way, it would be really helpful to  
publicise to your members, the list of the remote hubs, in case they  
are interested to participate.

The complete list of IGF hubs is available here: http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/remote-participation


> ------------ Forwarded Message ------------
> Date: 7 September 2010 11:54:35 AM -0430
> From: Ginger Paque <gpaque at gmail.com>
> To: "'governance at lists.cpsr.org'" <governance at lists.cpsr.org>
> Subject: [governance] Remote participation for IGF 2010: individuals  
> and groups
> Hello everybody
> If you won´t be in Vilnius for the IGF, it does not mean that you  
> cannot
> take part in discussions. Channels for remote participation will be
> available to all those who want to follow the meetings and  
> participate.
> Remote participants can connect individually or join an IGF hub, if  
> one
> will be organized in your home city. The complete list of IGF hubs is
> available here: http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/remote-participation
> It will be possible to follow the videocast/audiocast of all IGF  
> sessions
> and to send questions to the panelists. The official platform used for
> remote participation will be Webex. The links to join each session  
> (or each
> “webex room”) will be available in IGF website prior to the meeting.
> We are also encouraging video questions from remote participants. If  
> you
> are interested to make a question, the best option would be to let  
> us know
> in advance, so we can test your connection/bandwidth capacity prior  
> to the
> session.
> -- 
> Ginger (Virginia) Paque
> IGCBP Online Coordinator
> DiploFoundation
> www.diplomacy.edu/ig
> The latest from Diplo...
> http://DISCUSS.diplomacy.edu is a space for discussing ideas and  
> concepts
> from Diplo’s teaching and research activities. Our activities focus on
> three main areas: Internet governance, diplomacy, and global  
> governance. In
> September, we DISCUSS: a) network neutrality: hype and reality, b)  
> the IGF
> experience: what can policy makers learn from the IGF, and c) the  
> history
> of the Internet. Let us know if you have suggestions about ideas and
> concepts that should be discussed.
> ---------- End Forwarded Message ----------

Anne Lord, Senior Manager                             <lord at isoc.org>
Chapter & Individual Memberships                  http://www.isoc.org
Internet Society (ISOC)                "The Internet is for everyone"

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