[Chapter-delegates] Fwd: Invitation to join Sphere Labels group (draft Affiliation Agreement discussion).

Anne Lord lord at isoc.org
Thu Sep 2 22:12:40 PDT 2010

Dear Colleagues,

I have previously posted to this list (see below) information and an  
invitation to contribute to the ongoing work in the Sphere Labels  
group. The group is helping to define a minimum set of expectations  
about what it means to be an Internet Society Chapter, which are  
captured in a draft Affiliation Agreement. This is one piece of the  
work to revise the Chapter Policies and Procedures.

The draft Agreement has had review and feedback from members of the  
Sphere Labels discussion list, the Chapter Taskforce, the Lawyers and  
the ISOC Executive team.  All the project information (version 2 of  
the draft , a summary of feedback,  responses from the Taskforce and  
Lawyers and the next steps are available at http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=Sphere+Project

We would be very happy if you would like to comment on the revised  
draft Affiliation Agreement. To do so, please join the conversation on  
the sphere labels  mailing list. To join the list, simply send email  
to <chapter-support at isoc.org> or visit https://elists.isoc.org/mailman/listinfo/sphere-labels 
. The deadline for comments is 16th September.

Sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed to this work so far.

Kind regards,

Anne (on behalf of the Chapter Taskforce).

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Anne Lord <lord at isoc.org>
> Date: 8 June 2010 2:15:48 PM
> To: Chapter Delegates <chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>
> Subject: Invitation to join Sphere Labels group (draft Affiliation  
> Agreement discussion).
> Dear Colleagues,
> Many of you may be aware that work is underway in the Sphere Labels  
> group to review and revise the current Chapter Policies and  
> Procedures at: http://www.isoc.org/isoc/chapters/policy/.
> There have been a series of conversations about what it means to be  
> a successful Chapter, all of which are archived at:  http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=Titles+Labels+Images&bl=y 
> .
> The goal of the work in the Sphere labels group is to develop a  
> framework in the form of an Affiliation Agreement that shapes a  
> partnership between ISOC Global and the ISOC Chapters which ensures  
> a truly symbiotic exchange of value between both parties and makes a  
> meaningful contribution to the overarching mission of the  
> organization as a whole.
> If you are interested to join this discussion you are invited to  
> join the Sphere Labels group.  You can subscribe to the mailing list  
> by going to:  https://elists.isoc.org/mailman/listinfo/sphere-labels  
> or simply email <chapter-support @ isoc.org>.
> Recent Activity:
> The group is currently discussing a draft "Affiliation Agreement"  
> which is the output of a face to face meeting of the Chapter  
> taskforce that met on April 27 and 28.  Comments are invited on the  
> document at: http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-view_blog.php? 
> blogId=5 from until June 30th.  If you would like to participate in  
> this discussion, we would invite you to join Sphere Labels.
> best wishes
> Anne
> (on behalf of the Sphere Labels group)
> ---

Anne Lord, Senior Manager                             <lord at isoc.org>
Chapter & Individual Memberships                  http://www.isoc.org
Internet Society (ISOC)                "The Internet is for everyone"

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