[Chapter-delegates] REMINDER: ISOC meetings in Cartagena - December 2010

Sabrina Wilmot wilmot at isoc.org
Tue Nov 30 08:06:48 PST 2010

Dear Colleagues,

This is just a friendly reminder of our upcoming meetings in Cartagena. 
Please submit any agenda items to us before December 2nd. Thanks to all 
who have already contacted us.

I have also added details for remote participation on each meeting page:

- ISOC participation in ICANN:
Sunday 5 Dec, 7:30-8:30pm (UTC/GMT 6 Dec 00:30-01:30)

- ISOC Chapters and Members meeting:
Tuesday 7 Dec, 6:30-8:30pm (UTC/GMT 7 Dec 23:30-01:30)

We will be using the Global Crossing phone bridge for audio, as well as 
Webex for presentations. Please make sure to read how to connect prior 
to the meeting.

Please contact <chapter-support at isoc.org> should you have any questions 
about the meetings.

Sabrina Wilmot
Internet Society

On 11/12/2010 12:40 PM, Sabrina Wilmot wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> We are in the process of preparing two ISOC meetings during the ICANN 39
> week in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), 5-10 December 2010
> (http://cartagena39.icann.org/ ).
> We would like to hear who of you is planning to be at this event. The
> following two dates are proposed for our ISOC meetings:
> Sunday 5 Dec, 7:30-8:30pm - ISOC participation in ICANN
> Tuesday 7 Dec, 6:30-8:30pm - ISOC Chapters and Members meeting
> We welcome your input to the agenda and would like to hear your topics
> of interest. Please submit them to ISOC before December 2nd.
> You can indicate your attendance and submit your input for the meetings
> by email to ISOC Chapter Support <chapter-support at isoc.org> or you can
> use the Chapter wiki at:
> http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=Face+to+Face+meeting+schedule
> (login required).
> Meeting details including the draft agenda are also posted on our
> webpage at:
> http://isoc.org/wp/chapter-meetings/
> and will be updated regularly with more information.
> Please contact me should you have any questions about the above meetings.
> Thanks,
> Sabrina Wilmot
> Internet Society
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