[Chapter-delegates] Chapter recognition at the ISOC Board of Trustees meeting in Beijing (Nov 13/14).
Carlos Vera
cveraq at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 19:31:13 PST 2010
Great! How can we do similar thing?
Carlos Vera
ISOC Ecuador
2010/11/16 Anne Lord <lord at isoc.org>
> Dear Colleagues,
> As part of our work to increase the profile of the Chapters work to the
> ISOC Board of Trustees (BoT), the Hong Kong Chapter presented at the BoT
> meeting on November 13th. We thought it might be interesting to share their
> presentation with other Chapters. The presentation covers an enormous
> amount of work and the significant achievements of the Chapter and its
> membership. The presentation is attached below and can also be found at :
> http://www.isoc.org/isoc/general/trustees/docs/nov2010/hongkong-chapter.pdf.
> Thank you to Charles, Ching, Edmon, Che-Hoo, Ping and all the volunteers and
> members at the Hong Kong Chapter.
> At the same meeting, ISOC's newest Chapter, the Rwanda Chapter was formally
> recognised by the Board of Trustee. We send a warm welcome to them on behalf
> of all the Chapters and look forward to working with them. Lastly, the work
> done by Toru Takahashi in establishing the first ISOC Chapter ever in 1994,
> in Japan, was recognised with a plaque detailing his outstanding
> contributions to the Internet Society. With help from Toru, the Japan
> Chapter is in the process of being rejuvenated and a BoF is being held in
> Tokyo next week as part of Internet week.
> All presentations at the Board meeting are in the process of being uploaded
> to the Board meeting website at:
> http://www.isoc.org/isoc/general/trustees/meetings.php?type=1&id=83&doc=a.
> Best wishes
> Anne
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Anne Lord, Senior Manager <lord at isoc.org>
> Chapter & Individual Memberships http://www.isoc.org
> Internet Society (ISOC) "The Internet is for everyone"
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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