[Chapter-delegates] EU's Policy framework for Internet on the Telecom / Cable TV model

Carlos Vera cveraq at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 09:25:28 PST 2010

Upsss. it seems the other scenarios strategy is working again in favor of
specific interest..


2010/11/16 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy <isolatedn at gmail.com>

> It does not appear that new guidelines are proposed. This is a report of a
> speech by Neelie Kroes, The article quotes:
> begin quote ---- telecom regulatory framework adopted by the European
> Commission in 2009 provides clear guidelines for what is and isn’t
> permissible behavior. National regulatory authorities overseeing the
> practices of their local network operators are “our best insurance policy”
> and “competition is the open Internet’s best friend,” Kroes said. / end
> quote
> So it appears that the EU will apply the Telecom Regulatory Framework of
> 2009.
> Sivasubramanian M
> On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 10:24 PM, Carlos Vera <cveraq at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is there some info about the proposed guidelines?
>> Carlos
>> 2010/11/16 Sivasubramanian M <isolatedn at gmail.com>
>>> Hello
>>>  *Neelie Kroes, *the commissioner for the E.U.’s digital agenda, said in
>>>> a speech in Brussels that European nations *will not *introduce *net
>>>> neutrality* rules to prevent Internet network companies from blocking
>>>> or prioritizing certain content because of healthy competition. EU would
>>>> instead rely on guidelines that would stop anticompetitive behavior by
>>>> telecom and cable firms and protect consumers.
>>> http://voices.washingtonpost.com/posttech/2010/11/eu_wont_adopt_net_neutrality_l.html?wpisrc=nl_techE.U
>>> Sivasubramanian M
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