[Chapter-delegates] members number

Khaled KOUBAA khaled.koubaa at gmail.com
Fri Nov 12 17:36:12 PST 2010

There is at least a difference between the real numbers and the once 
published on the website.
My point is that we should be using the same numbers in our 
communication at global and local level.

Le 13/11/2010 02:24, Raul Echeberria a écrit :
> Khaled
> Those are objectives included in the business plan proposal.
> Raúl
> El 12/11/2010, a las 11:01 p.m., Khaled KOUBAA escribió:
>>> The Internet Society (ISOC) is a global not-for-profit organisation 
>>> with more than 100 Member organisations, 30,000 individual members, 
>>> and 80 Chapters around the wold.
>> Yesterday I heard a new number of around 44000 individual member, 
>> more than 130 Org Members and I ma sure that there is more than 80 
>> chapters.  Even the About us section in the website has a wrong numbers.
>> I hope that we can inform and update information about those numbers, 
>> so chapters can use them in their local communication.
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> Raul Echeberria
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