[Chapter-delegates] Successful Media event held at IETF79 in Beijing
Anya Chambers
chambers at isoc.org
Fri Nov 12 13:50:22 PST 2010
Thanks for your comment Frank
To clarify, the announcement was issued in conjunction with a press event where the difference between ISC and ISOC was clearly laid out.
For your own reference/ for sharing, some more detail:
How are the Internet Society (ISOC) and the Internet Society of China related?
A: The Internet Society and the Internet Society of China are separate organizations and not formally affiliated with each other. The two organisations do maintain friendly communications, but do not coordinate on programmes, policies or positions.
The Internet Society (ISOC) is a global not-for-profit organisation with more than 100 Member organisations, 30,000 individual members, and 80 Chapters around the wold.
The Internet Society of China aims to promote healthy development of Internet in China and make it an active part of World Internet Community,
Q: Do the Internet Society and the Internet Society of China coordinate on policy positions or public statements?
A: No. The two organisations develop independent positions on issues and therefore--as you would expect--the two organisations' positions are sometimes significantly different on any particular issue.
Q: What are the two organisations' roles in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) meeting in Beijing?
A: Both organizations are supportive of the IETF meeting being held in Beijing.The Internet Society is the organizational home for the IETF. The Internet Society of China is involved in this IETF meeting as a co-host and also through Professor Jianping Wu, who is a professor at Tsinghua University – co-hosts of the Beijing event – and also a Vice President of Internet Society of China.
On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:44 PM, Franck Martin wrote:
And I see that you encourage the mix up between Internet Society of China (ISC) and the Internet Society (ISOC).
I would have hoped that the About IETF would have had a statement like "IETF is an activity of the Internet Society (ISOC)".
Stop to grovel!
Franck Martin
twitter: FranckMartin Avonsys
Check your domain reputation: http://gurl.im/b69d4o
From: "Anya Chambers" <chambers at isoc.org>
To: chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org
Sent: Saturday, 13 November, 2010 4:00:38 AM
Subject: [Chapter-delegates] Successful Media event held at IETF79 in Beijing
Dear all,
I wanted to let you know that yesterday, in conjunction with the IETF79 meeting in Beijing this week, we held an extremely successful media event featuring IETF Chair Russ Housley, Internet Society President and CEO Lynn St.Amour, as well as our IETF event hosts; Professor Jianping Wu from Tsinghua University, Madame Qiheng Hu from the Internet Society of China and Dr. Wei Mao from CNNIC.
Approximately 35 members of the Chinese media attended the event. This is part of our overall effort to promote and support the IETF as the Internet's premier technical standards body. There was a good amount of interest during the event, and several opportunities to follow-up further with individual journalists. We will be tracking coverage going forward.
The press release that was issued in Chinese to the media is as follows:
Tsinghua University, Internet Society of China, and CNNIC Join Forces to Host first IETF Meeting in China
Beijing – November 12, 2010 – The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the pre-eminent standards organization for the Internet, today concluded an extremely successful week-long event, made possible by the invitation, efforts, and support of Tsinghua University, the Internet Society of China, and CNNIC. The mission of the IETF is to make the Internet work better by producing high-quality, relevant technical documents that influence the way people design, use, and manage the Internet. The meeting gathered over 1,200 of the leading Internet engineers from around the world, more than 300 of them from China.
Highlights from this week’s meeting include:
· A panel discussion of leading experts on the Internet’s upcoming transition to IPv6, the next generation Internet protocol, which is critical to the global Internet’s continued growth.
· In-person meetings of more than 130 Working Groups tackling some of the most demanding technical challenges and opportunities facing the Internet
Over the last few years the IETF has seen an increased participation by Chinese engineers.
Russ Housley, Chairman of the IETF commented: “The IETF’s mission is to constantly improve the working of the Internet – as a result we seek broad participation to maintain the global relevance of our activities. As the numbers of Chinese participants have grown, we felt that the time was right to hold our first meeting in China. We are very thankful to our co-hosts, Tsinghua University, the Internet Society of China and the China Network Information Center for enabling us to do so.”
Quote from Madam Qiheng Hu, President of Internet Society of China
"This is the first time that an IETF meeting has been held in Beijing, China. This is also a good opportunity for China Internet community to closely exchange and communicate with those who are Internet technology initiators, innovators and important IETF RFC authors in the global Internet community. This face to face exchange will help trigger the Internet innovation in China and help us to keep up with the Internet development progress of the world. I would like to express my great thanks to the Internet Society and IETF Secretariat for choosing Beijing to be the IETF 79 venue and I would like to thank everyone who contributed the to this successful event."
Quote from Jianping Wu, Professor of Tsinghua University:
"The Internet history is a history of innovation, and the IETF is the premier body of these technical innovations. Nowadays, the Internet has not only become the most important part of people’s daily life, but has also brought about a significant impact on economic growth, social reform and technological advancements in China. China’s Internet development benefits from the IETF and the global Internet community, and I believe it is also important for us to make our future contributions to the future Internet development.
"In recent years, more and more Chinese Internet scientists and engineers have participated in the IETF meetings to share their common interests and experience in the Internet technical innovation and development. On this special occasion, on behalf of Tsinghua University, I would like to express my congratulations to IETF and special thanks to our sponsors and our host teams, and of course, our participants. Your participation has made us successful in Beijing together. Today, China is not only the country with the largest number of Internet users, but also should be the key contributors of Internet technical innovation. I hope that this IETF meeting becomes a landmark of China’s Internet history."
Quote from Wei Mao, director of CNNIC:
"Just as many individuals, organizations, and countries, CNNIC acts as a Chinese Internet infrastructure and technology development institution, which also benefits from the open principal of IETF, and trying to share the wisdom of all technical IETF experts. We are pleased to see IETF experts from many different countries around world, gathered in Beijing in the first time to exchange technical practice, and giving counsel about developing the underlying architecture of the global Internet. We are also very honored to be able to contribute to the IETF as a host."
About the Internet Engineering Task Force
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is the Internet's premier technical standards body. It gathers a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. For more information, see: http://www.ietf.org
北京—2010年11月12日—IETF(The Internet Engineering Task Force,国际互联网工程组织),这个世界上杰出的互联网标准组织,在主办单位清华大学,协办单位中国互联网协会和中国互联网络信息中心的共同组织协助下,今天成功地结束了为期一周的大会。IETF的宗旨是为了互联网更好地发展,制定高质量的相关技术标准,这些标准将影响人们设计、使用和管理互联网的方式。此次大会云集了来自世界各国的众多国际知名互联网技术专家、多项互联网技术的创始人、以及互联网学者和工程技术人员1200余人,其中,近400人是来自中国的网络精英。
· 知名互联网技术专家讨论了互联网的IPv6过渡问题和下一代互联网的网络协议,这是全球互联网不断发展的关键。
· 超过130个工作组的面对面会议探讨了互联网面对的、需求最大的技术挑战和机遇。
IETF主席拉斯豪斯利(Russ Hously)说:“IETF的任务是不断推动互联网的工作,因此,我们寻求广泛参与,近年来中国参会人员与日俱增,这是我们在中国的第一次会议,也是非常正确的时间。我们衷心感谢此次大会的主办方和协办方,清华大学、中国互联网协会和中国互联网络信息中心,使我们大家能够聚集在北京。”
Anya Chambers
Internet Society
mobile: +1 224 321 0378
web: www.InternetSociety.org
twitter: InternetSociety
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