[Chapter-delegates] Madrid Declaration email

Jon McNerney mcnerney at isoc.org
Fri Oct 30 06:54:04 PDT 2009

Dear All,

Allow me to come back on our email regarding the subject of privacy in  
the Madrid Declaration sent on the 28th October.  I fear that in our  
haste to respond with very short notice to requested quidance on this  
matter we may have unintentionally crafted an email that was more  
direct than intended.  While I believe the justification of ISOC's  
position to be sound given our overall plans for this topic I do  
understand we could have been more considered and graceful in our  

Given the high degree of respect and importance we place with our  
Chapters our policy team looks forward to improved, continuous, and  
vigorous discussions on privacy and other areas of importance to the  
internet.  We continue to invest in our systems and infrastructure in  
order to enhance collaboration in a fast-moving and diverse world.  We  
remain confident our existing processes and systems, such as our  
Chapter working-groups and our Chapter Sphere process, provide an  
efficient and open environment by which debate, discussion, and rough  
consensus are built on many issues.  I might add as well that we are  
very pleased with the progress we have made with our new AMS system  
which in turn will give exceptional improvements in communication.   
While much has been accomplished there remains plenty yet to do.

I want to thank everyone who have contributed feedback on this  
matter.  The feedback has been brisk, dynamic, and intense, which  
helps create a healthy and spirited collective environment in which to  
achieve our goals.



Jon McNerney

Chief Operating Officer

Internet Society

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