[Chapter-delegates] Fwd: [Chapter-handbook] NOTES from the Chapter Handbook review call.

Anne Lord lord at isoc.org
Thu Oct 22 01:56:13 PDT 2009

hi Rudi,

Great! Thanks very much.

Have a good flight.


On 22/10/2009, at 5:26 PM, Rudi Vansnick wrote:

> Dear Anne,
> The review of the draft is on my agenda for the next 48 hours as I  
> will be on the flight to Seoul. This is a good occasion to go  
> through such documents. You'll receive some comments during my stay  
> in Seoul.
> Best regards,
> Rudi Vansnick
> President Internet Society Belgium vzw
> Voorzitter TIK vzw
> Board member EURALO (ALAC - ICANN)
> Tel: +32 (0)70 77 39 39
> GSM: +32 (0)475 28 16 32
> www.isoc.be <http://www.isoc.be> - www.vansnick.eu <http://www.vansnick.eu 
> >
> Anne Lord schreef:
>> Dear Colleagues,
>> I am forwarding this to keep you informed. We still need more  
>> volunteers to help review the drafts handbook and for content. If  
>> you are able to review a small portion of the text or supply some  
>> examples, it would be very helpful to us all. Just send me an email  
>> off-list.
>> Many thanks,
>> Anne
>> --
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> *From: *Anne Lord <lord at isoc.org <mailto:lord at isoc.org>>
>>> *Date: *22 October 2009 3:56:15 PM
>>> *To: *Chapter-handbook at elists.isoc.org <mailto:Chapter-handbook at elists.isoc.org 
>>> >
>>> *Cc: *Jose Francisco Callo Romero <jfcallo at hotmail.com <mailto:jfcallo at hotmail.com 
>>> >>, Joly MacFie <joly at punkcast.com <mailto:joly at punkcast.com>>,  
>>> Sébastien Bachollet <sebastien.bachollet at free.fr <mailto:sebastien.bachollet at free.fr 
>>> >>
>>> *Subject: **Fwd: [Chapter-handbook] NOTES from the call.*
>>> Dear Colleagues,
>>> Attached are the notes from today's Chapter Handbook call. We had  
>>> one chapter representative (thank you Hans Peter!) and apologies  
>>> from Jose Francisco Callo Romero, Joly McFie, Sebastien Bachollet  
>>> and Carlos Vera Quintana.  We will continue to try to get more  
>>> feedback from Chapters, on the calls and through comments.
>>> The notes are also available at:  http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=Notes+from+Meeting+3&bl=y 
>>>  <http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=Notes+from+Meeting+3&bl=y 
>>> >. (http://tinyurl.com/yl8cdq7)
>>> thanks
>>> Anne
>>> --
>>> Chapter Handbook Editorial Committee meeting
>>> Wednesday 21 October 2009, UTC 20.00
>>> Attendees:
>>> Hans Peter Dittler - ISOC Germany Chapter
>>> Wendy Rickard - Editor
>>> Anne Lord - ISOC Staff
>>> Dawit Bekele - ISOC Staff (joined later)
>>> Apologies:
>>> Jose Francisco Callo Romero - ISOC Peru Chapter - will send in  
>>> comments
>>> Joly McFie - ISOC New York Chapter - will send in comments
>>> Sebastien Bachollet - will send in comments
>>> Carlos Vera Quintana (sent comments)
>>> Wendy opened the call and asked  Hans Peter for his feedback.
>>> 1. Reference to the "Paid/Registered member" on page 4 - needs  
>>> more careful wording as could be misunderstood easily when  
>>> translated.
>>> 2. Leadership models on page 4 - need to include references to the  
>>> way chapters organise themselves. Need other examples away from  
>>> the traditional/classical hierarchical approach.   The ISOC  
>>> template for by-laws is traditional ->> may change in the upcoming  
>>> policy discussions.  A collaborative approach to leadership or  
>>> organisation of the chapter could be stressed more and we should  
>>> provide different examples. (anne - to provide references to  
>>> starfish & the spider for example)
>>> 4. AMS guidelines for running a chapter -> training materials.  
>>> Hans Peter noted that we need key benefits outlined for chapter  
>>> members.  (Anne to contact Lincoln for material, which could be  
>>> added at a later date).
>>> 5. Social media - examples are fine but not complete. Wendy noted  
>>> that this was still under-developed.  We need to know  more from  
>>> Chapters about success stories and whether it is working well and  
>>> how. Hans Peter commented that success depends on region and age  
>>> of the members. "generation gap". One suggestion was to send email  
>>> to chapter delegates to ask for feedback on success in using  
>>> social media. (anne/wendy).  Dawit agreed this is important  
>>> otherwise the younger members will be lost. Changing "fashions"  
>>> needs to also be acknowledged. Suggestion to include a "mix".
>>> Drawback on social media section to be included:
>>> One thing to note is the confict with Privacy - this needs to be  
>>> acknowledged. Try to find some details about 'recommendations' for  
>>> use bearing in mind the Privacy issue.  Sphere-analysis - also  
>>> asked about social media being used by Chapters. Anne to take a  
>>> look at responses and send to Wendy.
>>> 6. Hans Peter suggested including a note about Privacy - re:  
>>> keeping members data. What should a chapter do and not do -  
>>> selling chapter data, membership lists etc.
>>> 7. Communicating with the media is often difficult for Chapters.  
>>> Dawit had a  short tutorial on how to interact effectively with  
>>> the media.. how to make sure they come to your event, or they  
>>> cover it etc.  Action: dawit - will try to find some documents and  
>>> send to us so as to be able to include this.
>>> 8. Dawit noted the use of hyperlinks to make it easier for the  
>>> reader.  Wendy commented that we have not finalised on-line design  
>>> yet.
>>> 9. Reference to partners : should also include more on the  
>>> relationship of ISOC with the IETF which is not well understood  
>>> and PIR. In 1.1 you could introduce the IETF. HPD can also help  
>>> with wording in this area.
>>> 10. Dawit asked about incorporation: is it required or not. No -  
>>> there are many reasons why this is difficult for chapters. almost  
>>> impossible in Japan for example.
>>> 11. Dawit commented that it was important for chapters to have a  
>>> flagship programme which gives them an "image".  Dawit to send  
>>> bullet points of examples from some Chapters in the African region.
>>> Wendy closed the call by thanking Hans Peter and Dawit.
>>> lists.isoc.org/mailman/listinfo/chapter-handbook
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Anne Lord, Senior Manager                              
>>> <lord at isoc.org <mailto:lord at isoc.org>>
>>> Chapter & Individual Memberships                  http:// 
>>> www.isoc.org
>>> Internet Society (ISOC)                "The Internet is for  
>>> everyone"
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Anne Lord, Senior Manager                             <lord at isoc.org>
Chapter & Individual Memberships                  http://www.isoc.org
Internet Society (ISOC)                "The Internet is for everyone"

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