[Chapter-delegates] ISOC 2008 Chapter Review - Your feedback?

Khaled KOUBAA khaled.koubaa at topnet.tn
Wed Oct 14 13:24:35 PDT 2009

Thank you for sharing with us this very important document.
I wonder why there was not a draft version of this report to be shared 
with chapters especially those who has some infos about them on it.
I personally have no  idea ( may be I missed the info ) about its 
preparation, and I preferred if we have been consulted before announcing it.
We would like to be more involved during the preparation of the next one 
to ensure that content reflect really the work of chapters around the world.
The other important issue is the translation of this language. If we 
want to use it as "serves as a great tool for all Chapter leaders" we 
need to have at minimum in another 2 language ( lets say French and 
Spanish ) to be really helpful at a local level.
Other small comment is about pictures : it will be more judicious also 
to ask chapters to provide with pictures so we can have them published.
I hope this may help.


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